We all know that hipsters have the best insider knowledge. They know the best music, clothes, books, types of plant-based milks — even baby names! That's right, we said it: Hipsters know good baby names. As much as it pains us to admit, this group of highly obsessive consumers sort of have some pretty thorough knowledge of the unique and interesting. And that knowledge extends to baby names, where hipsters can let their freak flags fly.
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Folks may not want to cement their hipster status by declaring themselves as members of this granola-munching tribe, but the truth is, hipsters are mainstream now. It's time to embrace the fact that we all want to be a little bit hipster these days!
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Want to be in with the cool crowd? Or maybe pick baby names worthy of starting a family band? With the help of BabyNameWizard.com, we found the coolest boys' names for all the future baby hipsters. So grab a bicycle, a handlebar mustache, and possibly an underground polka band that others have "probably never heard of," and check out these adorably obscure and oh-so-hip baby boy names.
And let us know — which hipster baby boy name is the best of all?

This name is 100% American, baby! Elvis is an American creation, made popular by — you guessed it — the king himself. Naming a baby Elvis almost definitely means up the odds of getting a little crooner! Plus it just sounds so effortlessly cool.

A name for all the folk lovers out there! Arlo had a small blip of popularity from the 1900s-1930s, though it never topped any US baby name lists. The most popular Arlo is Arlo Guthrie, son of folk legend Woody Guthrie, who was known for making protest music. Far out, man!

Possibly one of the most recognizable names in science! Edison, meaning "Edie's son" in Old English, was the last name of Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb, the telegraph, and the phonograph (among many other inventions). Electric!
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A sweet little name for a little ragamuffin! Otis, meaning "wealth" or "fortune" in German, is a popular name among celebrities. Take, for instance, singer Otis Redding, Otis the dog from The Adventures of Milo & Otis, and even the son of Jason Sudeikis and Olivia Wilde. Oh, baby!

This is a name perfect for baby boys and not just ones that have a tiger named Hobbes! Calvin is a derivative of the name calvinus meaning "little bald one." Possible nicknames for Calvin are Cal, Vinny, or Calvie. There are so many possibilities!

Here's a name that's truly old-fashioned. Roscoe was once a popular last name in England, but has since transitioned to first name status. It is a composition of the Norse words rá (meaning "a roe deer") and skógr (meaning "a wood"). How's that for a rustic baby name?
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Miller, a common last name, means "one who works in a mill," in German. It also has become a popular first name, spiking in popularity in 2014. There are also plenty of famous Millers to look to: writer Arthur Miller, Stella McCartney's son Miller Willis, and even David Duchovny and Tea Leoni have a Miller of their own (their son's name is Kyd Miller).

The ultimate hipster novel is almost certainly Catcher in the Rye. Holden Caulfeld, the narrator, is a teenage boy who is both disenchanted and disillusioned with the outside world. Interestingly, Holden has remained steadily popular throughout several decades. It's been trending upwards since the 1800s!

This name has a little bit of a royal flair. Duke, from the title granted to an English noblemen who ranks just below a prince, is a strong name for a unique little guy! Think jazz musician Duke Ellington and John "The Duke" Wayne. It really doesn't get any cooler than that.
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A fun twist, for those who think the name Matthew is a little too boring. Matteo is a derivative of the Latin name Matthaeus and the Ecclesiastic Greek Matthaios. It is also derived from the Hebrew Mattiyah meaning "gift of God."

We think this name is totally cool. Ryder, from the Old English Ridere, means "knight" or "mounted warrior." It also has only been getting more popular since the '90s! Famous Ryders include Ryder Robinson (son of Kate Hudson) and '90s heartthrob Rider Strong. *Heart eyes emoji*

Beep, beep! Here comes little Van! No, not like the automobile, Van like the English surname that has quickly become a popular first name. Van comes from the Middle English Vanne and the French Van, meaning a "winnowing machine." Historically, Van has been an element of some last names, but clearly this cool moniker is ready to take center stage.
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Book lovers might be most familiar with this name because of Cormac McCarthy, the famous novelist and author of The Road and No Country for Old Men. Cormac is actually a popular Irish name, though its meaning is a little uncertain. Some claim it means "charioteer" while others believe it means "son of defilement." So mysterious!

A classic newspaper person nickname, Ace is a breath of fresh air. It's also a word associated with being first, the best, ranking the highest … well, Ace is tops! Ace is now a top 300 name, including Jessica Simpson's little Ace!

Originally a pet name for Jordan, Judd means "descending" or "flowing down." Judd had a quick spike of popularity in the '70s, but for the most part has stayed under the radar. Sounds like just the type of obscure baby name that hipster love!
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It's elementary, my dear Watson! Watson is a cool and understated last name that is bound to make the transition to first name status. It's classic yet fresh, familiar yet unusual — it's got everything it takes to become pure hipster gold.

Another last name being used as a cool first name! Jones is most certainly a popular American last name, but most parents might not know it also had a run of popularity for being a first name from the 1880s to 1910? Hipster and vintage all in one!

This name is blowing up, fast! Colton was virtually unheard of before 1970, but has since exploded in popularity. Perhaps it's because Colton is a sturdy, solid name that doesn't sound too old-fashioned; perhaps it's because of celebrities like Colton Haynes. We can't be too sure — all we know is, Colton is awesome in our book!
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A shortened form of Huckleberry, Huck is truly for those who want some literary credentials. Huckleberry Finn, protagonist of the Mark Twain novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is one of the most classic American characters in literature. And anyone who shares this moniker is sure to be adventurous, whip smart, and full of spirit. Sweet little Huck!

A great name for fans of Romantic poetry, Byron — like Lord Byron, not like the name Brian — is a classic name. It comes from the Old English phrase aet byrum meaning "at the cowsheds." Hmm, well that's not very romantic, is it?

Avant-garde writer Samuel Beckett may be responsible for this hipster reference point. As a name, Beckett means "dweller near the brook." Good options for nicknames include Bex, Becks, or Kit. Too cute!
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A cute name that we can't get enough of! Sanford is another last name that has become popular for first names. In fact, in the early 1900s it was an incredibly popular first name, though it has since dipped in popularity. This name is a total diamond in the rough!

This baby name is popular the world over! Making the top baby lists in Australia, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Austria, and Belgium (to name just a few), Luca clearly is a winner. The root of Luca is the Latin word lux, meaning "light," though some believe the name comes from the Greek Loukas, meaning "man who comes from Lucania." Either way, Luca rocks!

A good name for a cuddly little fellow! Bear is, of course, a name taken from the animal, but we really like how trendy it has become. Of course, the most famous Bear is Running Wild's Bear Grylls, but did you know that One Direction member Liam Payne just named his baby Bear Payne? Bear is just too cute!

Yes, this name could be a little basic. But parents shouldn't rule it out too easily. Jack, a pet name of John, is also one of the most popular names internationally. Think about it: Jack Nicholson, Jack Kennedy, Jack Sparrow — those are some freakin' cool Jacks!

This name gives us major heart eyes. Gus, which has often been used as a nickname for Argus or Augustus, is a great standalone name for hipster parents. This name comes from the Latin for "worthy of respect." Who can argue with that?

Here's a name that hits the hipster bull's eye! Archer, which means "bowman," is a name that comes from the tradition of names based on occupations, many of which are enjoying a hipster resurgence. A possible cute nickname option is Archie!

This name is a lucky choice for a hipster babe! Felix, which comes from the Latin for "lucky" or "successful," is a great choice for parents who are looking for something that is unusual but familiar, with a touch of old-school charm.

While Homer Simpson may be the first thing that comes to mind when some folks here this name, this Greek name actually has a long history. The name peaked in popularity in the 1920s, but hipster parents are starting to give it new life. Pass the donuts!

Ooh, this is a good one! Jasper is a name on the rise. The name, which is Persian for "bringer of treasure," is closely related to the name Casper, which has a similar feel but hasn't enjoyed the same level of popularity. Jasper is so cute!

Masculine names starting with the letter "O" have been having a moment — especially Oscar and Oliver, both choices that have been super popular lately. Ollie is a great choice for parents who like names starting with a vowel but who are wanting something a little bit more uncommon.

This name, which has unisex energy, is a perfect choice for hipster parents who love to rock an oh-so-carefully faded Beatles T-shirt! This name has Irish roots and is said to mean "lover," which is awfully sweet for a much-loved new baby.

Hey there baby Mack (or Mac)! This Scottish or Irish name which means "son of" is a name that has a great Americana sound. This would be a great choice for parents wanting to do the short first name, longer middle name naming approach.

Hipster parents looking for a cool name with Southern charm might want to consider Rhett. This name, which has Dutch and English roots and means "advice," has recently moved back into the top 200 most popular names list.

All babies are a gift, especially ones named Theo! Theo, which comes from the Greek and means "gift of God" is great both as a stand alone name and as a nickname for Theodore. This name is strong and distinctive!

One thing hipster parents like are names that have a little old man vibe and Walter definitely fits that bill! This name has German roots that mean "army ruler" and pop culture street cred from the enduring popularity of Breaking Bad.

There are great hipster name choices from A-Z, including the name Zeke! Names that start in Z always seem to have a built-in cool factor and Zeke is no exception. Some parents may like to use it as a nickname for the biblical choice Ezekiel.

Parents looking to raise a confident hipster baby might want to consider Magnus, which comes from the Latin for "the greatest." While this name is quite popular in Norway and Denmark, it is still relatively undiscovered in the US.

The name Lazlo is funky and cool with an underground energy that comes from being left off almost every most popular baby name list. This name, which means "glorious rule" and has Slavic and Hungarian roots, still sounds pretty good to us!

There are not a lot of names that have both presidential and Muppet connections, but Grover fits that bill! Whether a parent is inspired by Grover Cleveland or Grover the lovable Muppet, this name is full of sweetness.