Deal with enough diaper blowouts, and you'll start dreaming of the day your child is old enough to learn to use the potty all by himself. But even though it seems like second nature to us as adults, teaching a toddler how to go numbers one and two in the bathroom is much easier said than done. No child goes to college in a diaper, so you know they'll get the hang of it eventually. Still, these cute tots hit a few speed bumps on their journey to big-kid undies.
1. That's not how this works.

Yup, looks like potty training might take a while.
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2. Hm, I don't think that goes in there.

To be fair, it's a pretty genius storage option.
3. Be out in a minute!

For the last time, you cannot flush yourself!
4. When you tell them they have to stay on the potty until they go, this can happen.

How much you want to bet he still didn't go potty?
5. What's step one again?

He gets an A for effort though.
6. Call the plumber.

At least something made its way into the potty?
7. When they refuse to sit on the potty.

But on the bright side, Mr. Bear hasn't had a single accident.
8. Well, close enough?

Hope you bought paper towels.