Whether it's bottle, boob, or a combination of both, having a new baby means spending lots of time feeding and holding them while they nap afterwards. Infants have just a few basic functions: cry, eat, sleep, and look adorable, which is why we love it when they combine the last three in that full body relaxation mode known as "milk drunk." Seeing a baby fully passed out and dreaming right after a feeding is clear and undeniable evidence that a parent is crushing it, and that baby couldn't be happier.
Normally, anyone who drinks to the point of passing out isn't funny; they're sloppy and possibly in need of some professional intervention. But there's something truly adorable about a baby having a little too much of the "house white" (breast milk, of course) and hunkering down to sleep it off right afterwards, preferably right in mama's arms.
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For new parents, it's easy to get hung up on all the things that aren't going smoothly, to focus on the middle-of-the-night crying jags or the diaper explosions that leave the living room carpet forever scarred. This is why it's so important for us to stop and cherish (and maybe snap a picture or two) of the super precious and sometimes hilarious sight of our babies completely blissed out post-meal, to remember the sweeter side of having a newborn. Unlike their grown-up counterparts, milk-drunk babies are an absolutely adorable sight to behold, and we've gathered up some photos that prove it.
Sleepy and satisfied

This baby's eyes say it all. He's totally satisfied and down for the count. We're pretty sure any mom after two glasses of wine has the same look on her face. But this little guy after a full meal is a million times cuter.
Asleep at the bar

This little one fell asleep at the bar — the boob bar, that is. And she's looking crazy content to stay where she is. Hopefully Mom takes advantage of the opportunity for an impromptu nap.
Too tired to wash up

This picture is what happens when the milk is so satisfying, the baby falls asleep before Mom can even wipe his face. It's okay. The milk mustache suits this little cutie just fine.
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The happy "drunk"

You know how some people get super happy when they drink? The same happens to milk-drunk babies, only their smiles are about a thousand times more adorable.
Here looks good

Here's a photo that shows what happens when the milk hits the baby so hard she can't even make it to the crib afterwards. So sweet.
Mid-meal snooze

Sometimes the baby eats a full meal before falling asleep. Other times, the little one passes out mid-feast. For a mom, those are the best (and sweetest) moments.
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That was some strong milk

Side effects of too much milk may include: inability to keep their eyes open, loss of head control, sleepiness, and extreme cuteness.
Just a boy and his bottle

This little guy was so into his feast, he passed out with the nipple still in his mouth. And it looks like he is going to be down for the count for a while.
Perfectly passed out

We hope this mom doesn't have to get up to go to the bathroom, because that's some serious post-milk slumpage going on. That little baby's not letting this mom go anywhere for a while.
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This is the life

This baby was enjoying a meal at the beach when the hardcore milk sleepies hit. Belly full, heart open, and not a care in the world. This is the truest portrait of #milkdrunk life.
One oz too many

This cutie might be asleep, but that won't stop her from smiling about the great meal she just had. That's the expression most of us have after eating too much. The difference is that she still looks precious!
Post-milk slump

There's nothing like the feeling of a warm milk-drunk baby sinking into one's body with the full weight of his trust and love. This little guy didn't hold back at all. That's a full-body milk slump, and it's adorable.
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You can't handle the milk

Even toddlers have days when they can't handle their milk. And it looks like this little guy knocked more than a few bottles back! But when a mom stumbles upon her little baby passed out on his adorable fox chair, it's just too cute not to take a picture.
Sleeping beauty

A barking dog, a ringing phone, the vacuum — nothing can wake this gorgeous little baby from her deep and peaceful milk-drunk slumber. We wish we could nap that hard!
Moms make the best pillows

We've all heard of people falling asleep in their mashed potatoes because the food is so rich and delicious, right? Well, this is the same concept. That baby is snuggled up to Mom and planning on going nowhere. Looks perfect to us.