This Mom Let Her Kids Make a Slime Pool in Their Living Room & Oh My God

One of your many jobs as a parent is to prevent and often clean up messes. But one mom of six from Utah recently got super-comfortable with being the one to instigate a massive mess to let her kids' slimiest dreams could come true. Back in March, Elisabeth Day took to YouTube to share how it all went down, and the goo-filled video is going viral.

When Day's kids couldn't go outside, she decided to bring the fun indoors.


She decided to have an indoor pool party but one unlike her kiddos had ever experienced before. "Like most 11-year-olds, our daughter is elbows deep in this slime craze. So, when she asked to make a pool full of slime, the normal flood of anxiety and questions came to my mind," she wrote on 

The "slime" recipe required hefty amounts of glue, shaving cream, contact solution, and food coloring. So, it's no wonder Day was asking questions like: "How were we going to clean it up? How much would it cost? What if the kids got stuck there permanently?" 

Nonetheless, she shared that "after calming myself down from a mini panic attack, I decided to purchase the supplies. Over Christmas break, we decided to have a pool party … IN OUR HOUSE!"

Once Day decided to give the "slime pool" idea the green light, it was all hands on deck.


Sure, she was nervous about the chaos but instead she focused on how excited her kids were to get started. "We filled up a kiddie pool in the middle of our living room, dumped all of the ingredients into the pool and used our bodies (diaper and all) to mix the slime," she explained.

Instead of getting caught up in "trying to avoid the mess," she made the conscious effort to enjoy the fun.


As gasp-worthy as it looked, Day said that the experience taught her something "incredibly valuable."


"Messes aren't so bad," she wrote. "As long as you aren't teaching your children to destroy things and have no regard for them, making a mess isn't a bad thing."

In fact, Day believes that the amount of effort it took to clean up the mess "was worth every giggle, every single, every 'I can't believe this is happening.'"


Because sometimes life is too short and these sticky memories will become their favorite from childhood.

"These are the moments they will remember," she wrote. "These are the moments they will look back on and say, 'How cool.'"

That's right: Day's not a regular mom, she's a cool mom — who somehow managed to keep her cool through this obviously hair-raising experience!