Mom Threatens Breastfeeding Women & Their Babies in Disgusting Rant

A South Carolina mom got blasted blasted on social media after allegedly threatening breastfeeding women and their babies in a Facebook post. The woman at the center of the controversy, Carly Clark, reportedly posted a hate-filled message on social media and it quickly went viral. Despite being a parent herself, her message toward other women and innocent babies had people infuriated and letting their thoughts be known. Mom shaming is a big no-no!

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Clark's original post has since been deleted — but not before people's screenshots were shared.

Brandy Alisia/Facebook

Clark, who worked as a pet store manager when she spoke out against public breastfeeding, shared strong thoughts about women who nurse in front of her children.

"I'm not sorry — The next female that tries to whip her boob out to breastfeed in front of my kids will get a black eye, move that baby bc I'll punch it too," she wrote. "#ZeroCare #Why #InPublicLetsJustShowKidsBoobs #NotMine."

Before the thread was deleted, she allegedly followed up with more background in the comment section.

Kim Riendeau/Facebook

As her remark started to gain traction, Carly tried to do damage control by justifying her threats and explaining that it was only directed toward one woman. "I find it very immature that you as a mother would go out of your way to come to a place that you know I work at and breastfeed," she wrote. 

Carly also clarified that her problem isn't with breastfeeding in general, just women who do it in front of her kids — especially those who do it just to "prove a point."

People across social media weren't having her hate and stood up for all breastfeeding moms.

Carol Freeman/Facebook

Not only were women sharing screenshots of Carly's post, but they also private messaged her and wrote their own posts about her mindset.

CafeMom reached out to Carly at the time but she wasn't available for comment.

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People also called for a boycott of her employer, Petsense, but the company quickly spoke out in support of breastfeeding moms.

Stephannie Hudson/Facebook

According to Petsense, it isn't pleased with Carly's post either.


Breastfeeding moms proved they're a group not to mess with, and Carly's former employer promptly reacted to the controversy, explaining that she is no longer with the company. "We absolutely would never condone violence such as was recently posted by a former Petsense employee," it said on Petsense's Facebook page. "These are her individual views and do not reflect the views of Petsense or its employees. This individual is no longer employed by Petsense."