For those who love the sun, flip-flops, and hot weather in general, the thought of being cooped up during a winter pregnancy can be seriously distressing. Every season brings its own challenges for pregnant ladies (just think about summer sweating with a bump), but winter can seem like the worst for many moms-to-be. For those who live in a cold climate, the downsides seem obvious — it’s freezing cold out and they are stuck inside with a giant pregnant belly. It's impossible to zip up a winter jacket or bend to put on boots, and a pregnant woman's figure might look the same as the snowman in the neighbor’s yard. Plus, it's even harder to navigate in the ice and snow with a growing bump and the fear of slipping. Don’t despair! Expecting a baby during the cold months isn’t all bad — even if it's near the end of the pregnancy.
Believe it or not, there are a lot of upsides to being in the second or third trimester during the chilly winter months. A cold weather pregnancy has a number of surprising positives — from comfy clothes and quality family time to saving money and extra sleep — that many people overlook! Turns out, there is no need to be jealous of friends who are due in the summer or early fall just because she gets to rock a bikini bump, float in the pool, and cool off with endless ice cream. So grab a blanket, snuggle up, and enjoy this cold trimester with those swollen feet propped up by the fire. For those feeling blue about a white winter, read on to find out why a winter or spring due date is not necessarily a bad thing. Here are 15 reasons being pregnant in the winter is surprisingly awesome.
Dark Earlier = Bed Earlier

During summer, it's hard to justify going to bed at 8 p.m. In the winter, just flop down on the mattress after dinner — hey, it’s been dark for hours already!

Ah, there’s nothing better than slipping oversized and overtaxed pregnancy feet into soft slippers at the end of the day. Or at noon, if that's an option. Casual Friday anyone?
Layering for the Win!

Cold weather is the perfect excuse to use layers to disguise any clothing challenges. With multiple shirts on, no one will notice that the pants button can’t close all the way or that the undershirt is too short to cover the pregnant belly. Use that bulky sweater as a shield!
Sorry Not Sorry

Pull the pregnancy card to avoid tedious errands. After all, it’s icy out, and there's a higher chance of slipping and falling. Sorry, no grocery store runs for a while.
Saving on the Heating Bill

During the cold months, it will actually feel like a comfortable temperature. What a nice break from sweating profusely due to the pregnancy hormones and increased blood flow. There’s no need to blast the A/C like it's summer, and the heat at home can sometimes stay off, even though it’s the middle of winter. Who knew pregnancy could save money?
Hibernation Isn't Just for Bears

Eating enough to last for months, falling into a deep sleep, and anyone who wakes a pregnant woman risks death? Sounds like the third trimester! Hunker down and enjoy being dormant. Those bears know how to live.
Skip Shaving

As every pregnant lady knows, shaving the legs with a baby bump in the way is super challenging. Luckily, in the winter, it's possible to skip shaving with no one the wiser. Just put the razor down and pull on a pair of maternity pants or leggings.

Food aversions, queasiness, bloating… For nauseated pregnant ladies, a simple soup goes a long way. Comfort foods like chicken noodle or tomato soup make a perfect winter meal.

Dry, itchy skin from hormone changes and the belly stretching can be such a nuisance. Thank goodness for soft, cozy tops. Cashmere is perfect for pregnant ladies. Ahhhhh.
Snow Day!

It can be really hard to roll out of bed and get out the door to work on time during pregnancy. Wait, are those flurries outside? Snow day!
No Shoveling

“Shovel snow, who me? I couldn’t possibly in my condition.” This excuse applies even for those only two months along. Wink wink.
Less Touchy-Feely

Yes, a person might be cooped up indoors more in the winter, but the plus side is that means fewer people rubbing the belly. Pregnant women can avoid the many awkward encounters from handsy strangers when out and about.

Family time is extra-special when expecting a bundle of joy. The winter holidays will be full of love and excitement this season. Enjoy that holiday cheer!
Adorable Newborn Outfits!

Picking out winter outfits for newborns is much more fun. Just take a look at those adorable animal face knit hats!
Great Excuse for a Babymoon!

Use the cold as an excuse to get away. Drive south to a warmer climate and enjoy some fun and relaxation before the baby comes.