Of all the times of year to be pregnant, Halloween is the best. If it’s PSL season and you’re officially with child, you might not know it, but you’ve won the "best months to be pregnant" lottery.
Holidays usually come with a side of stress, which is the last thing you need when you’re already tired, swollen, and cry over radio commercials thanks to all the hormones playing lacrosse inside your body. But Halloween is the only holiday with zero stress, which is why it’s the best time of year to be hosting a baby bump. There’s no need to clean your house for company. You don’t have to plan, buy or cook a big, elaborate meal. There’s no freaking out over getting the right gifts for everyone on your list and no arguments over whether to spend the day with your side of the family or your in-laws. There’s just fun costumes and sugar — and really, aren’t those the best part of any holiday?
Still aren’t convinced that expecting a child during such a spooky time of year won’t be a trick instead of a treat? Here are 10 reasons why being pregnant at Halloween is the best.
You Can Wear Whatever You Want
Sure, those maternity jeans with the cute sweater and the striped dress that showcases your bump looked great when you ordered them online. But in reality, anything tight makes you feel less like a maternal goddess and more like a stuffed sausage. Lucky for you, a laid-back look is totally on trend during Halloween season. Not only will no one care if you rock sweats and socks with soccer sandals to work — they’ll compliment you on your clever Kanye costume.
Pregnancy Mood Swings Are Just You Getting into Character
Carry a bowling ball around your waist, having to pee every 15 seconds, and swollen balloons where your ankles used to be is enough to make any mom-to-be a little annoyed at times. Any other time of year, letting your pregnancy rage show might lead to some comments from friends and family about your bad moods. But when it’s Halloween, it’s perfectly acceptable to be a total witch.
One Word: Candy
Women who crave sweets when pregnant and are lucky enough to be baby cooking when Halloween rolls around are living the dream. For weeks leading up to Halloween, stores turn into Willy Wonka’s factory, with aisles upon aisles of every candy you could possibly dream of available in mega-sized bags. Does the baby like peanut butter cups? Let’s find out.
The Weather Rocks
Growing a human from scratch makes you work up a serious sweat. Crisp fall breezes feel amazing to a pregnant woman whose body is working overtime, and the smell of falling leaves is one of three things that doesn’t make you want to run for the bathroom and see breakfast for the second time. Plus, you can get some gorgeous maternity photos amid the changing foliage.
People Will Admire Your Pregnancy Pimples
Some women get that pregnancy glow, others are cursed with pregnancy acne. If you happen to be a part of team Pregnant Pimple Face, you’ll love being pregnant come Halloween. Rather than feeling like you need to hide your face under a mask of foundation, embrace what your body’s doing and enter a costume contest. Everyone will ask you what YouTube tutorial you followed to create such a realistic look.
Pumpkin Treats Galore
Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin cereal, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin ravioli — Halloween is the time of year when this round orange gourd invades every food it can. Usually, there are so many pumpkin flavored foods in the fall that it’s impossible to try them all in a single season. But pregnant moms are eating for two, making it possible to taste test more of these potassium-packed treats.
More from CafeMom: 20 Mommy-Daughter Halloween Costume Ideas
Hello, Pregnancy Cleavage
Your belly isn’t the only thing that swells when you’re pregnant. Chances are good that you’re busting out of your bra, making this the perfect opportunity to wear that Jessica Rabbit costume you always wanted to rock but never had the courage to go for. Don’t feel like showing off in public? Grab a Halloween costume that showcases your new assets to wear in the bedroom once that second trimester energy burst strikes.
So Many Fun Bump Costumes to Choose From
If you’re sick of looking through racks of lingerie labeled “Women’s Halloween costumes” (seriously, no nurse dresses like that) then you’ll love being pregnant in October. Whether you go cute, like dressing your bump as a pumpkin or an avocado pit, or totally gory, like adding fake doll limbs and blood to make your bump looking like a zombie baby making an escape from the womb, there are tons of fantastic (and comfortable) Halloween costume for pregnant women. Kind of makes you wish you could be pregnant every Halloween, right?
First Dibs on the Candy Haul
There are some unspoken rules polite society should follow when dealing with pregnant women. For instance: bus seats should always be offered to those expecting, cutting to the front of a long line at the bathroom isn’t rude when there’s a baby jumping on your bladder, never ask a pregnant woman if she’s sure she isn’t having twins, and if a pregnant lady is kind enough to take you trick or treating, you have to let her have her choice of candy out of your stash when you get back to the house. Even if it’s king sized. Sorry kids, those are the rules.
More from CafeMom: 20 Creative Costume Ideas for Siblings
Perfect Excuse to Stay in on Halloween
If fussing with a costume and watching other people drink all night sounds like zero fun, blame the bump and stay in to hang out with the Sanderson Sisters instead (or Mike Myers, if you’re super brave). You can pass out candy to all the neighborhood cuties, and use their costumes as inspiration how you’ll dress up your little one for his or her first Halloween next year.