20 Natural Remedies to Get the Family Through Cold & Flu Season

Fall is finally here. That means it's time to bust out our boxes of seasonal decor and start thinking about what's on the menu for Thanksgiving. But along with all the fun the colder months bring, it's also the season when germs love to stop by for a visit. And if the flu or a cold takes down one member of the household, chances are good that soon everyone's going to be reaching for the tissues. 

Plenty of rest, fluids, those good tissues infused with lotion, and a solid Netflix watchlist can go a long way toward helping the people we love to feel better when sick. But there are also great natural remedies that can make fighting through cold and flu season a little easier.

Modern medicine is amazing at helping us feel better when we're ill, but as any parent who's taken their kid to the doctor for a common cold knows, there isn't always a prescription that can help. 

Of course, over-the-counter cough drops and cold medicines are always an option. But sometimes we want to try something that's chemical-free and all-natural to help us on the road to recovery. Or maybe we're not feeling well ourselves and just don't have the energy to get dressed, get in the car, and go to the pharmacy. 

Luckily, there are natural ways to fight the cold and flu that can be just as effective as anything found in a store. Many of these natural cold remedies can be whipped up quickly and easily, using ingredients that are probably already in the house. Be sure to check in with a doctor if symptoms worsen or don't improve. And it's always a good call to run any essential oils or herbal ingredients by the pediatrician before using with infants and small children. Feel better soon!

All-Natural Pineapple Cough Syrup


When the family's fighting a cough but everyone's too ill to go to the pharmacy, raid the fridge and spice rack to make this all-natural DIY pineapple cough syrup. The bromelain enzyme in pineapple works as a natural anti-inflammatory (and tastes great too).

Essential Oil Sickroom Spray


A house full of sick folks can get stuffy and smelly quickly. This essential oil sickroom spray helps freshen the air while preventing the spread of germs. Mix it as directed for ages 2 and up, or adjust the oils to make it safe for any infants and toddlers in the household.

Homemade Elderberry Gummies


Taking elderberry syrup can help shorten the length of a cold or the flu but sometimes sick kids aren't crazy about the idea of drinking syrup. Luckily it's super easy to make immune-boosting elderberry gummies at home. 

Homemade Vapor Rub


This all-natural homemade vapor rub alternative will help relieve congestion without chemicals. Apply it to the feet with a layer of fuzzy socks, and start feeling better soon.

Detoxifying Bath Bombs For Kids


These detoxing bath bombs for kids fuzz and foam as they dissolve, making them an easy way to add a little fun to a sick day.

Potato Socks


For a super easy cold remedy that safe even for the smallest babies, try placing a thin slice of raw potato in socks and wearing overnight. Fans of the method claim the potato helps draw out toxins.

Honey Cough-Fighting Lollipops


When kids are fighting a cough, handing them a small, round cough drop seems like a way to tempt the choking gods. Instead, try these easy to make this honey-flavored cough fighting lollipops that are filled with all-natural ingredients.

Mexican Hot Chocolate Cough Syrup


This Mexican hot chocolate cough syrup is one the whole family will take without complaint. And studies suggest that theobromine, a compound found in chocolate, is an effective cough fighter.

Whipped Coconut Chest Rub


This soothing homemade whipped coconut chest rub combines coconut oil with essential oils to have stuffy noses breathing better in no time. Make it as listed for older kids and adults, or adjust the oils as needed so it's safe for the littles in the family.

Nasal Squirt Bottle


Neti pots are known for helping reduce congestion and sinus pressure during a cold or flu. But boiling water and trying to make sure the kids don't break the kettle is no fun when everyone's not feeling well. A ready-to-use saline rinse offers the same relief with less work. 

Saline rinse ($8, Amazon)

Peppermint Throat Soothers


These three-ingredient peppermint throat soothers are a great option for those who love all things mint. And they're no bake, meaning moms can still throw them together even when they're feeling under the weather themselves.

Cough-Busting Smoothie


The family dealing with a croupy cough? This simple smoothie of boiled banana and honey may help soothe aching throats and will give a much-needed boost of B6 to help fight infection.

Sinus Soothing Shower Tablets


These soothing shower tablets use essential oils and the power of steam to help open breathing passages and relieve sinus pressure.

Elderberry Popcicles


These elderberry popsicles will soothe sore throats while helping immune systems battle colds and flu. The coconut juice and blueberries add extra hydration and antioxidants, plus they taste great.

Turmeric Gummies


Packed with vitamin C-rich orange juice and anti-inflammatory spice, munch on these turmeric gummies to help heal a cold, or even when dealing with sore muscles.

Ginger Compress


Wearing a compress of ginger, honey, oil, and flour may help relieve coughs and draw toxins out of the body.

Sore Throat Gummies


For kids who don't love sucking on a lozenge while sick, these four-ingredient homemade sore throat gummies are an easy-make alternative.

Bone Broth


Packed with immune-boosting minerals, make this bone broth ahead and stick in the freezer so it's ready to go when the crew comes down with a cold.

Elderberry Syrup


A spoonful of elderberry syrup can shorten cold symptoms, but store-bought bottles of this magical juice can be pricey. Luckily, it's easy to make elderberry syrup at home.



An easy and proven way to shorten the length of a cold is by simply taking daily doses of zinc. 

Children's Zinc Lozenges, ($5, Amazon)