Gender reveals are always an exciting time, but they are especially emotional when it comes to your first child. When YouTuber Emilia Diana and her boyfriend, Efrain, found out they were expecting a little one, they decided to go all out for their gender reveal party — and let's just say, some tears were shed along the way.
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsOLiFlcGfQ
In the video above, Emilia walks viewers through her gender reveal party, where we can see an elaborate setup of pink and blue desserts. There are family and friends walking around with pins on them, revealing if they are either team boy or team girl. When it comes time for the reveal, everyone is full of excitement as Emilia and Efrain stand on a rooftop, ready to release a box balloons. Emilia is shocked to learn what she is having and can't contain her emotions. Watch the heartwarming video to find out if they will have a son or daughter!