Elementary School Students Hospitalized After 14 Kids Accidentally Ate Marijuana Gummies

Various reports have indicated that 14 elementary school students between the ages of 5 and 9 from Anton Grdina School in Cleveland, Ohio, accidentally ingested marijuana gummies unknowingly handed out by other students, according to Fox 8.

A Cleveland Metropolitan School District representative claimed three students were responsible for handing out the candy at lunch when some of the aides noticed the odd wrappers after children begin complaining they felt sick. The students say they got the candies from home, sparking the incident, which occurred a few years ago.

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Of the 14 affected students, nine children who were complaining of illness were taken by paramedics to Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital.

The parents of the other five children declined having them go to the hospital. 

“Although we have not yet received a report on the suspicious candy, the principal used the opportunity to remind parents and caregivers of the importance of keeping medicines and other items that may be harmful to children locked up to ensure the safety of all students,” the school district's statement read in February 2019, which was when the incident happened.

Several forms of medical marijuana are legal in Ohio, including oils, vaporizers, patches, plant material, and edibles. Recreational marijuana is still illegal in Ohio, so the parents who owned the gummies technically have them to treat one of the qualifying medical conditions.

According to the Children's Hospital of Colorado, one of the first states to legalize recreational weed, the long-term effects of acute marijuana usage is unknown, but they do know that edibles pose the largest threat. 

"The most common overdose incidents in children occur when the drug has been combined with food in an 'edible' form of marijuana. This is because marijuana ingested in this manner can have a stronger and prolonged effect, especially in children under the age of 12," its website notes.

As recreational marijuana use has been legalized in several states in recent years, it seems that more reports of incidents like the one at Anton Grdina have cropped up nationwide.

The hospital recommends that should a child ingest edible marijuana, parents pay close attention to symptoms.

Trouble breathing, loss of consciousness, or other serious concerns should be handled by seeking immediate medical professional help. If the symptoms are minor, kids should be kept in a safe area where there they have minimal risk of falling or choking on anything, and parents should contact an urgent care or poison control center to receive treatment and monitoring on an as-needed basis.

One mother of a child who was taken by paramedics along with several other children told Fox News 8 that her daughter was doing “OK, for the most part.”

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The mother of the student who brought the edibles to school was arrested.

According to People, the child told police that his mom and aunt had thrown a party and had "gotten drunk." The adults at the party had left the edibles on a table and told the children not to touch them, but it sounds like they were still left within their reach.

The 27-year-old mother was arrested on child endangerment charges.

*Disclaimer: The advice on Cafemom is not a substitute for consultation with a medical professional or treatment for a specific condition. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem without consulting a qualified professional. Please contact your health-care provider with questions and concerns.