A mom is getting some serious heat online for giving her infant a painful beauty treatment that has other parents seriously judging. As she explained in a post on Reddit, the mom started plucking her baby girl's eyebrows when the hair started growing in darker because she was getting a "unibrow." She didn't see the problem with taking the tweezers to her little one's face in the the name of beauty. But when she confessed her actions to another parent, she started to feel as if she had made a mistake. "I’ve talked to my husband and he says I’m overthinking this, but I don’t know," she wrote.
The mom explained that over the last few months, her 15-month-old's "unibrow" has gotten out of control.

The anonymous mom shared that her daughter has "always been hairy" but in the last four to five months, her unibrow has become "fairly prominent" and this is concerning to her.
"For aesthetic reasons, I decided to pluck it while she slept," she wrote. "If she woke up I would stop. I managed to get it all off in a couple days."
The mom thought nothing of the beauty treatment until she told a friend that she plucked her daughter's eyebrows and her friend "had this horrified look and said she was surprised that I did that."
That made her question her decision to tame her daughter's brows. "Honest feedback welcome," she prompted.
Some people agreed with the mom's friend; plucking an infant's eyebrows was the wrong choice.
"You're seriously applying adult beauty standards to a child — a baby in fact," one commenter wrote. "The kid's unibrow make ZERO difference to her experience as a baby, but her mom pulling out her hairs one by one because she isn't pretty enough is going to carry a lifetime of complications."
And another user agreed. "You said it, 'aesthetic reasons.' It took you two days of her waking up while you caused her pain for no reason except your own vanity. Narcissistic much?" the person commented.
"Just some food for thought, I have super low self esteem due to my mom constantly tweezing, bleaching (hair & teeth), picking, prodding, and fussing over my appearance my entire childhood," added another commenter. "You’ll be teaching your kid to hate her natural existence and she will feel the effects for the rest of her life."
Other people thought it was sort of no big deal ...
"I'm sure I'll get downvoted for this opinion, but it's your baby," one person wrote. "If she's not waking up, she's obviously okay. I have no kids so maybe I'm the (expletive) for thinking this way, but she will be teased once she gets to school age. If you do it now, you're building a pain tolerance for later."
"People (myself included) treat their babies for things like cradle cap or infant acne all the time, which, if your baby dislikes baths, is probably considerably more unpleasant to them than being divested of a few hairs in their sleep," added someone else. "Ask your pediatrician and if they're not bothered by it, I say go ahead guilt free. Revisit when the kiddo is old enough to express their own opinion."
One person was heated on the mom's behalf. "I've legitimately never seen so much insanity in a thread in my life," the user wrote. "Guess what? Babies get haircuts. It's aesthetic. Babies get put in cute clothes. It's aesthetic. Apparently children have to dress and look 110 percent utilitarian until they're old enough to dress themselves, or they will literally be scarred for life.
"Getting a bath is probably more uncomfortable for the baby than this. She did it while the baby was asleep for God's sake."
And in the end, the mom argued that she thinks it's her call. "Many people are asking about consent, but I don’t really understand that argument," she later wrote in the thread.
"She’s still a baby. She can’t consent to anything. That’s why she has parents to make choices for her. Once she can verbalize her thoughts, I will take them into consideration. Right now she isn’t even two…so don’t I necessarily have to use my own judgment??"
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.