In case you missed the memo, scrunchies are back — in a BIG way. If you've got a daughter in middle school, I probably don't need to tell you that. You're likely drowning in scrunchies at home right now (as you mutter to yourself why on earth these things have come back into style). But did you know who's also drowning in scrunchies right about now, and cursing them as they mysteriously appear around the house? Middle school moms of boys. (Yep!) And reminding us all of that fact this week is a viral Facebook post by Emily Covington, which has middle school moms everywhere belly laughing.
"PSA to ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRL MOMS!" the post begins. "Are you tired of wasting money on hair scrunchies? Feel like you're buying them every week?"
"Well let me let you in on a little secret … " she continues. "They are being found in the dryer of every boy Mom's home."
"I'm about to start a lost and found page for them on Facebook, or better yet return them to school with a love note for me," the post goes on.
You see, according to Covington, scrunchies are like the new class ring or letter jacket ...
"Apparently it's cool to give your scrunchie to someone you think is cute," she explains in her post, alongside a photo of the accidental scrunchie stash that she's accumulated — in just one week. (Clearly, her son is pretty popular at school.)
Her message to girl moms? It's pretty simple: "Stop wasting your money and clogging up my dryer!"
Moms immediately jumped in, and more or less responded with a unanimous, "OMG YES, WTH."
One mom said her son recently came home with four on his arm. ("I told him to give them back," she said.)
Another said she had no idea why she suddenly had scrunchies invading her home, but they seem to be taking over.
"Oh my goodness!!" the mom wrote. "I thought I had girls sneaking over or something … they are everywhere!"
Another mom wondered aloud about what kind of drama this bizarre new trend stirs up. Do all the VSCO girls get jealous when they see one boy wearing multiple scrunchies from different girls? she wondered. (A fair questions, because, let's be real.)
Another commenter said he recently passed by a teenage boy's open locker, which revealed a similar treasure trove of scrunchies inside.
Marveling at the sheer amount, the Facebook user snapped a photo, which revealed no less than 17 velvet scrunchies.
"There is seriously a scrunchie epidemic going on," Convington commented on the post.
There certainly is. And it's clear the trend of giving away a scrunchie is pretty widespread, considering just how many parents responded to the post. After being shared on September 25, the post has been shared over 46K times and racked up tons of comments from users across Facebook.
As one mom put it, though, it seems that Covington was the first to call it out publicly.
"You will forever be known as the mom who took down the scrunchie comeback," the mom quipped.
Of course, time will tell if the "scrunchie comeback" will once again fade or is here to stay … but something tells us it's going to hang on for dear life.