Lunchbox letters are always a sweet reminder to kids that they're never far from our minds. (After all, who wouldn't like a little love note from Mom or Dad, reminding them that they're special?) But when Francesca Easdon of Kingwood, Texas, recently sent a lunchbox note to school with her 5-year-old son, Kyler, she was surprised to receive a response from staff at Rocking Horse Day Care — and angered when she read the infuriating message inside.
Easdon had been trying to get her son to eat healthier when the incident happened last week.
According to a Facebook post Easdon wrote November 13, her little "picky eater" is "absolutely perfect" the way he is, but she's been trying to guide him toward making healthier food choices. That is why she's been sending him to day care with healthier lunch options lately, and even told the staff at Rocking Horse about her plan.
But "instead of his school being supportive, I am in absolute shock at what happened," she shared.
The sweet note, which was written to Kyler's teacher, asked them to remind her son that he is loved at lunchtime.
"Please tell [Kyler] that his mommy loves him so much and I'm thinking of him," it read. "Thank you!"
But later that day, she was stunned to find the note still inside his lunch box, with an aggressive note back: "No!" it read in black magic marker. "Put him on a diet + GO AWAY!"
Um … WHAT?! We're officially seeing red right now.
Easdon immediately reached out to the day care for an explanation, and even went to a meeting with the school's director, along with her mother-in-law.
"I was assured that it was being investigated and handled, yet almost no remorse was shown," she recalled in her Facebook post.
And it gets worse; when Easdon went to investigate Kyler's teacher on Facebook she was horrified.
There "were mass posts regarding drug use and other very inappropriate content," she explained, which alarmed her even more.
"The teacher that wrote this note [later] confessed and was fired, but nothing has been done about the other situations," Easdon explained. "Zero remorse for their actions."
The mom added that she was "disgusted" she ever put her trust in the school because "this is what I get in return."
Easdon has since removed Kyler from the day care program and moved him to "a beautiful new facility."
Easdon later added a comment on her post that said she was ready to move on from the incident. "It took everything inside of me to not handle it the way I wanted," she explained.
Still, the entire incident was upsetting, and the new day care costs her considerably more than the previous facility.
"I will make it work, no matter what I have to do," the dedicated mom declared. "Kyler’s safety and level of care comes first."
No matter the cost, Easdon believes it's important that she share her experience with other parents, as well as what she's learned from this.
"Monitor your day cares closely and stay away from this facility," she warned. "[T]hey do NOT deserve the privilege of teaching our children."
CafeMom has reached out to Rocking Horse Day Care in Kingwood and has yet to receive comment.