15 Very Early Signs of Pregnancy

Being pregnant is a magical time — or so they say. Nine months full of glowing, decorating the nursery, talking about baby names, and did we mention the glowing? Some women might experience that, but for most of us, it can also be a rough time. Once the nausea, fatigue, and food aversions set in, we're on a roller-coaster we just can't get off of, and sometimes, those pregnancy symptoms can set in incredibly early. We're talking feeling nauseated before we've even gotten a positive test, because yes, that is possible — and there are a lot of signs we can look out for if we want to spot pregnancy as early as we can.

The way pregnancy plays out in movies is so different from the way it plays out in real life, and some of the biggest symptoms can end up hitting us even earlier than we ever expected. Just another sign of a growing baby!

Read on for the earliest signs of pregnancy that can often happen just a couple of weeks after conception. Most of them aren't very pleasant (especially the sore breasts, y'all), but it's reality. It's also important to remember that some women will only experience a few of these symptoms, while others may, unfortunately, get hit with them all. Pregnancy is different for everyone, and the only way to know for sure is to take that pregnancy test.

But for those of us suspecting we might be in the early stages of pregnancy, these symptoms could be a good indicator that something is definitely up with our bodies.



Suddenly feeling tired, but sleep habits haven't changed? Feeling an extra level of fatigue or tiredness — or a longing for an afternoon nap when that hasn't been on the schedule for years — can be one of the first signs of pregnancy. After all, it's hard work to grow another person … and that means that our bodies are working overtime.



When someone's pregnant on a TV show or movie, often the first hint we get is seeing them throw up. In real life, this is really not that far off base — even though it's usually less dramatic than the way it happens in movies. Feeling unusually nauseated? This can definitely be a telltale sign. Drinking lots of water and eating sour candies and peppermint can help in those early days.

Sore Breasts


It's a fact that breasts do a lot of changing during pregnancy, and it starts early on. Sometimes, the first sign of pregnancy is breasts that are sore (or even ones that look a bit bigger). It's crazy exactly how painful they can become while pregnant … even while we're just trying to get comfortable and sleep.

A Heightened Sense of Smell


Suddenly have the nose of a bloodhound? This can be a sign, too — and it's probably not going to help with the nausea if that's a symptom that's also recently started happening. Being pregnant means smelling things in a way we've never smelled them before, and that's not necessarily a good thing, especially since these smells can trigger us to feel sick.

Bleeding & Cramping


Most people characterize pregnancy as a time without periods, but a little bleeding — called implantation bleeding — can happen in the beginning when the egg attaches to the uterine lining. This should be much less than what we'd expect from a regular period, though; it's usually described more as spotting than anything else.

Mood Swings


We've all heard the (very annoying) jokes about how pregnant ladies can be moody, but hormones are absolutely no joke — just one of those things that's hard to really grasp until we're experiencing it ourselves. Those of us who are usually levelheaded may realize that we're quicker to cry or anger than usual, and that can be an early sign that something is up.



With so many changes that go on in our bodies during early pregnancy, it makes sense that headaches would be an unfortunate side effect, and they could start happening even to those of us who aren't necessarily prone to getting them. Any change in head pain could be a sign that all our hormones are making us feel crummy because of pregnancy.

Missed Period


Along with nausea, discovering that we've missed our period can sometimes be the first sign we realize we're pregnant — especially for those of us who haven't been actively trying to conceive. While periods can be off schedule for all kinds of reasons, a late or missing period might be the signal to take a test.



Bloating is one of those symptoms that unfortunately follow us (on and off, anyway) through all three trimesters, and it can start incredibly early. We may not look any different in the mirror, but we can certainly feel different … and our clothes might start feeling a bit more snug than usual if that's what going on. Let the fun begin!

Food Aversions


With or without nausea, food aversions can definitely come into play in those early days and weeks of pregnancy. If favorite foods and drinks aren't seeming appealing, that may be a sign that there's a bun in the oven … and while aversions often change throughout pregnancy, there's a chance it might stick around a while.

Frequent Urination


Being pregnant changes the way we use the bathroom forever — for many of us, our bladders just aren't what they used to be, and the effects of that can start early. The need to go to the potty more frequently can kick in as early as two to three weeks after conception, possibly even before a positive test.

A Higher Body Temperature


Some people use a method of fertility awareness that requires taking their basal body temperature (BBT) at the same time every day to predict their most fertile days and ovulation. Keeping up with this method means that many women will notice a rise in their temperature that begins around ovulation without going back down, hinting that they may be pregnant.

Skin Changes


No matter how much time and money we've invested in our skin care routine, pregnancy can sometimes wreak havoc on our complexions, causing us to kiss that clear skin goodbye — at least until after we pop that baby out. Noticing more (or even less) acne than usual? Could be a change in hormones to blame.



One of the least convenient early pregnancy signs is a change in our bathroom habits. Feeling a little constipated when that's not normally an issue? Yep, that, too, could be an early sign of pregnancy. Try to get ahead of it with stool softeners and by eating food high in fiber, because this symptom could stick around for the long haul.

Nasal Congestion


Thanks to changes in hormones (yup, them again) and increased blood volume, nasal congestion is a pretty common symptom, too. Pregnancy can cause our noses to feel dried out and/or stuffy, and while that's also the sign of a cold or allergies, it could also mean that a baby's in there cooking. So many wonderful surprises!