16 Ways to Make 20 Minutes With Toddlers Fly By

Ahh, toddlers, they're cute, say the most hilarious things, have the most epic tantrums and the shortest attention spans. Trying to do any sort of long art/craft/building/learning project with a toddler is just not going to cut it. Any mom who needs a little time to herself (or to, you know, make lunch and stuff) needs to have an arsenal of activities that'll occupy a toddler for a short period of time. 

Whether that's easy activities with shaving cream or setting up invitations to play around the house, luckily for all us harried moms, there's a slew of ideas out there on the world wide web (do people even say that anymore?) And fortunately many of these activities can be done with items you already have around the house — or better yet, nothing at all but a little imagination. So get ready to enjoy some alone time with these sanity-saving ideas to buy you 20 minutes (or more if you're really lucky!)

busy toddlers

Colander & Pipe Cleaners

It doesn't get any easier than this. Toddlers can spend time developing their fine motor skills — and giving mom a break — with this simple activity. Simply turn a colander upside down, give the kiddo some pipe cleaners and let the little one go to town poking them in and out of the holes. No pipe cleaners? No problem! The kid can do the same thing with uncooked spaghetti noodles. Just expect more of a clean-up since some of them will inevitably break.

Kinetic Sand


Let's be real, what little kid doesn't love kinetic sand? And it's infinitely easier to clean up than real-life sand. As long as the little one in question is past the stage of trying to eat everything, it's a guaranteed winner of an activity.

Easter Egg Bath

This is for when mom really needs some alone time (ahem, 15 minutes to scroll through a phone, no judgement.) Fill a bathtub with water and some bubbles and drop in all those Easter eggs that have been sitting in the garage with nothing to do. Voila! It's a giant sensory bin that they can sit in — and get clean at the same time. Score!

Play Dough


Whether it's the store-bought version, or the DIY kind, play dough is always a toddler winner. To really take it up a notch, and potentially add some more minutes to this activity, give them small(ish) objects they can press into the dough or wrap the dough around.

Contact Paper Stained Glass Window

Cut some contact paper and tape it onto a window or sliding glass door, sticky-side up. Little ones will love sticking on pre-cut out scraps of tissue paper to the sticky surface and watching the sunlight filter in through their creation.

Good Ol' Fashioned Tubs of Water

There's nothing toddlers love more than playing with water. So find some plastic bins, fill them with water, and toss a bunch of random things in there like measuring cups, plastic toys and a spoon. Just be prepared for an outfit change and lots of water on the ground — or better yet, do it outside!

Finger Painting


Yes, this will get messy. Very messy. But they'll have a total blast – and isn't that all that matters? Finger painting is a childhood classic for a reason: it never gets old and always entertains. Just have those wet wipes handy.

Egg Carton & Popsicle Sticks

Another awesome activity to develop those fine motor skills, simply cut some slits into the bottom of an egg carton and let toddlers figure out how to push the popsicle sticks in and out — over and over again. To go the extra mile, color each popsicle stick a different color.

Rock Painting


Here's a fairly easy way to take up an hour: go on a nature walk and let your toddler pick up anything (better yet, give the kid a bucket to carry it all in) — think rocks, leaves and small sticks. Then bring the found items home and let your mini Picasso paint them.

Noodle Play

Cook up some spaghetti noodles, toss them in a bin with some random kitchen tools, such as a whisk, colander, and spoon and let your toddler enter a sensor wonderland. If you really want to go all in, you can dye the noodles like Instagram user @early_childhood_fun101 to make a feast for the eyes.

Train Time


Chuga-chugga choo choo! All abord! Train tracks have remained a toddler favorite for decades (centuries?!) for a reason: they provide endless possibilities and entertainment for kids worldwide. Whether they're just pushing the trains around the track or trying to figure out how to put them together what's more important is that they're happily passing the time!

Blanket Fort


Chairs + tables + blankets = an epic blanket fort. Honestly, even a not-so-epic fort will be all a toddler needs to feel in awe like she's in a whole new play space. Put some blankets and cushy pillows on the floor and toss in their favorite stuffed animals for a truly out-of-this-world experience. Trust us, toddlers don't need much.

Put Them in a Box


Yes, really. As simplistic as that sounds, many moms swear that just putting their toddlers in a big box is all they need to get 15-20 minutes. Something about being in a small enclosed space just makes them think it's the bee's knees, and if you don't have a box around, just use a laundry basket instead. Bonus idea: Put some crayons in the box, too, so they can color while they're inside.

Ball Ramp

We love this why-didn't-we-think-of-that idea from Busy Toddler on Instagram. Use the side of a long cardboard box to create a simple ramp. Then hand them a bucket of balls and let them roll them down the ramp to giggles of delight. Make the clean-up of the balls another game for a true Mom of the Year moment.