We know that not everyone get along with their mother-in-law, and cringe-worthy stories of passive-aggressive comments are pretty common. It can be hard to blend families, sort through the conflicts, and learn how to communicate with each other. After first getting married, there's an expectation that there probably would be some learning and bumps along the road to a healthy relationship. Most people, however, don’t expect their MIL to intentionally do them harm, but that’s what one mom experienced — and the story's a doozy.
The anonymous Reddit user took to the forum to share the story of “the time my ex MIL almost killed me -- on purpose.”

According to her post, the woman's now ex-MIL intentionally put her in harm's way one afternoon by playing around with the poster’s allergy. She wrote, “My ex MIL doesn't believe in allergies — apparently anyone with an allergy is just 'attention seeking.”
The Reddit user noted that she has a “really severe dairy allergy,” and that’s what came into question.
She went to dinner at her MIL's one day and things got scary.
“We were at MILs for dinner and she made a big show of telling everyone how she bought soya especially for me,” she shared, “except she hadn't, instead she cooked with normal cream and cheese — as I soon discovered when I went into anaphylactic shock.”
The mom said she had to be “blue lighted to hospital where my heart stopped,” so it’s clear her allergy is no joke and certainly not “attention seeking.”
Because of her ex-MIL’s dangerous beliefs in allergies, the mom set some ground rules.
“She admitted afterwards to my ex that she thought I was making my allergy up and was testing me,” the mom shared.
It was because of this that the mom put down some hard rules. “Two of my kids have the same allergy. And she wonders why I won't let her babysit,” she wrote.
The mom decided against pressing charges but is setting up some things to protect herself and her children.
“I decided not to press charges because of the mental impact it would have on me and my middle child in particular (who also has the same allergy and was completely traumatized at the time) however I arranged a phone appointment with my solicitor for early next week to talk through the options,” she wrote.
The mom said her ex-MIL has “has very very limited supervised contact in a neutral place for the youngest kids — the two eldest don't see her or their father at all, and middle child is expressing more and more reluctance.”
She is looking into her legal options to make sure the same experience doesn’t happen to her children. “[I] wanted to chat with my legal bod so I have the full picture — get it on record in case I need to look at a restraining order or a non molestation order in the future — also in case anything happens to me I want to make sure the ex or his mother don't get custody.”
In the comments, several other similar stories are flooding in, and it's terrifying.
“Wasn't there a similar story about someone with a severe latex allergy?” one person commented. “Apparently the MIL didn't like the OP that much, so deliberately cut up a bunch of latex gloves and hid them in the sheets, then bragged about it to her son. I think they got divorced because of it.”
Another person wrote, “My husband has an allergy to a specific vegetable (not life-threatening) and his whole childhood his mom refused to believe him and would make food with this vegetable in it and tell him it wasn't in there.”
Someone else shared a terrible story of a child with a severe allergy. “There was a young boy in the UK a while ago who was allergic to cheese. Someone in the dinner hall threw some at him and it landed on his face. There was some problems getting him a working eppi pen in time. He died.”
Allergies are no joke, and it’s always better to err on the side of caution. Oh, and don’t be a MIL like this woman.
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.