The internet sure has a way of sucking you in to mindless video after mindless video. But sometimes, amid all that scrolling, you'll stumble across a real gem that leaves you pretty impressed. Such was the case for Denise Sith, an Illinois mom who recently discovered a little-known hack that was so incredible, she just had to spread the wealth. And man, are we so glad she did. Her hilarious tutorial on how to properly close a cereal box has been going viral for weeks on Facebook, and once you give it a watch, you'll instantly see why.
The mom says she was scrolling through Facebook videos back in May when she happened upon one made by a woman in the UK.
In it, the woman was folding boxes, though Sith says the picture was "super dark and grainy," which made it hard to tell at first what she was seeing.
"[I] watched it several times and realized what she was doing," she tells CafeMom. "[Then I] popped up from my chair, ran to the pantry and all I could find was this box of cereal from last year … folded it and lost my mind."
That's right -- she lost her dang mind watching a woman fold boxes. And (spoiler alert) you're about to do the same.
That's because the box-folding hack is so simple — and yet so clever — that it'll make you wonder why you never knew about it before.
Don't believe me? Well, hold up a sec.
Chances are, if you walked over to your pantry at any given moment and pulled out some cereal boxes, they'd look the same way: The flimsy cardboard pieces on top might be folded downward, but they are hardly sealed shut. So if you were to turn that box upside down, or accidentally knock it off the pantry shelf (as kids are known to do), the contents inside would likely fall right out.
But as Sith so expertly demonstrates in her now super viral video, there's another way to do things.
Now, please stop what you're doing and behold the REAL way to close a cereal box:
YEP — that's seriously how it's done, folks! Now is your mind blown, or is your mind blown??
Apparently, all we had to do all along was fold down the side flap thingies, plus one of the long ones ...
Pinch together the ends, tuck in the remaining flap, and … voila!
The simple maneuver takes no time at all, and it makes the closure far more secure in the event the box is ever tipped over or dropped.
In other words, it's MAGIC.
And Sith was far from the only person who thought so.
"I'm legit OCD and thought it was fabulous so after I did the hack the first time, I grabbed the tripod and just did it super quick on a Facebook live," she tells CafeMom.
She admits that at first, she wasn't going to film herself at all, because she was wearing her PJs.
But now, she's so glad she did. To date, the clip has more than 12 million views and thousands of comments from people whose minds were equally blown.
"I just did this to all my boxes in my pantry," one person wrote. "Amazed!!"
"I love your personality, as you show us this video," another person commented. "I learned something, and chuckled. Thank you! Keep being awesome!"
Sith says that watching the video go viral has been "overwhelmingly positive" and a pleasant surprise.
"I didn't expect to get the reaction I got AT ALL," she tells CafeMom. "I'm known for keeping people entertained so I just delivered it the way I would have if someone was in my house."
Of course, there were a few Negative Nellies who left comments of skepticism.
"Mine closes fine the way it's meant to," wrote one man who was not at all impressed. "I never felt compelled to turn it upside down and shake it."
But for every comment like his, Sith responded with one of her own.
"AWESOME!" she replied. "You must not have toddlers."
Ooooh … BURNNNN!
At the end of the day, Sith is just happy she could spread the knowledge even further (to those who want it).

"I'm pleased to have simply brought a smile and laugh to so many people who apparently truly needed it in this crazy year," Sith declares. "I'm a big advocate of self-development and positivity … it's allowed me to share that on a platform that has grown substantially."
In fact, she lives and breaths that every day.
"I'm the survivor of a terminal cancer and my son was also a miracle that happened when I was 45," explains Sith, who owns her own wellness company. But since sharing her latest video, she's been amazed by all of the kind messages she's received from strangers.
"I have been showered with hundreds of kind and simple 'Thank you for making me smile' messages from people around the world," Sith continues. "I'm extremely grateful for and feel blessed that I could contribute to a smile on anyone's face."