No matter what decision is made about going back to school, this school year is going to be a strange one for parents, teachers, and our kids. We have to worry about the worldwide health issue that's put a wrench in the lives of so many people and the safety of our loved ones. For our kids, many were out of school for the last few months of the year. And now that students and teachers are gearing up for the next school year this fall, we're preparing for a unique start that is likely going to be stressful for everyone.
Teachers have been incredible through this whole thing. We've always known that they care for our kids and go above and beyond. However, all this health stuff has shown us just how heroic they are. The teachers jumped through hoops at the end of last year to ensure our kids were supported. They gave grace to the kids (and parents) who were frazzled from the changes in routine. They quickly changed up their curriculum to provide lessons virtually and are preparing for the next year facing a health crisis that hasn't gone away.
Our kids are going to need extra support this year, and our kids' teachers have already stepped up to provide that. So, it's equally important for us, as parents, to show some extra love and support for them as they navigate all this.
Here are 15 ways we can show teachers some (virtual) love and support this year.
Post Yard Signs
We're used to seeing yard signs for political campaigns and to highlight sales in the local store, and they work because people notice them. Lining the street the school is on with thank you yard signs is an amazing way to boost moral of the teachers and show them that they're not alone and all their hard work is noticed and appreciated.
Take a Photo of Your Child During Virtual Learning

It's hard for teachers to not get the same feedback on how they're doing with the kids if they're not in the classroom. During "school hours" of distance learning, snap a few photos of the child being engaged and entertained while it's taking place and send it to the teacher with a note of thanks. This can give teachers the feedback they deserve — that even if they can't love on the students in person, they're making a difference.
Have Flowers Delivered

There really is something special about a fresh delivery of flowers to brighten the mood. Being able to have those displayed in the classroom or at the teacher's home is a fragrant way to brighten the mood and show the gratitude, love, and support for everything that person has been doing for the kids.
Send a Meal Gift Card

Although restaurants aren't open all across the country to be able to dine in, most are open for takeout or delivery, and who would say no to a gift card? Showing support with a "thank you meal on us" card is a thoughtful way to make sure teachers are taking care of themselves so they can continue to be amazing to their students.
Send Supplies to the School

It's not unusual for teachers to use their own money to help get enough supplies for the classroom and this year the need for extra supplies is greater than others. Being able to give some donations as school supplies that the teacher can use for the classroom or to pass along to parents who may need them is a sweet way to show the teacher that we're all in this together.
Make a Donation in the Teacher's Name

There are so many worthwhile causes that are fighting to help during this unprecedented time. If it's in the budget to be able to make a donation, do so in the name of a teacher as the inspiration behind the donation. This is a great way to pay-it-forward and to give thanks to teachers for everything they're doing as well.
Send a Netflix Gift Card

Everyone needs a few moments to unwind and our teachers especially. One way to help encourage them to take time for themselves as a thank you for all they're doing is with an e-gift card for a streaming service like Netflix or Disney+. If they don't have the service, this is a good way for them to test it out. And if they're already subscribing, who wouldn't appreciate a free month?
Have Your Child Write a Motivation Card

This whole health crisis hasn't been easy for anyone, and teachers have had to work really hard to ensure the kids are engaged — often having to do this task virtually. Having the kids create a motivation card filled with gratitude messages and encouraging notes telling teachers what amazing mentors they are is something they can look at when feeling stressed or down.
Decorate the School Yard With 'Thank You' Rocks
Thank you rocks or gratitude rocks were a popular thing to see at the beginning of the health crisis. Most of these were thanking frontline workers — nurses, doctors, grocery store workers, truck drivers, etc. — but they're a thoughtful idea for teachers as well. Placing them in one spot on the school grounds where the teachers can see them is a wonderful way to brighten their day.
Create a Thank You Social Media Message

There are so many videos that go viral on TikTok for all sorts of things, so why not a thank you video? There are a bunch of "teacher appreciation" videos posted to the platform every day, and having something fun for the teacher to watch — and others — going into specifics on what an amazing job they're doing is such a caring idea.
Send a Care Package

Sending a care package to the teachers who are caring for the kids in person or virtually is a sweet gesture. These packages can be filled with school supplies, cleaning supplies, wine, or other trinkets to help the teacher unwind and destress. Think chamomile tea, bath bombs, hand sanitizer, and favorite candies.
Praise Them to the School Board

Everyone likes to receive some praise for a job well-done, and too often we only reach out to the board when there's an issue. Instead, this year send a note to the school board to let them know what an amazing job the teachers are doing and how much of a difference they've made. This will help the teachers feel supported — and everyone loves a "Good job" note.
Organize a Thank You Car Parade
Parades were really popular near the end of the school year and were done in place of birthday parties and graduations. Organizing a thank you parade for teachers or the school as a whole is a fun way to show love and appreciation for what teachers and staff continue to do for students.
Send an Amazon Gift Card

It's hard to go wrong with Amazon gift cards because they can be used for teachers to treat themselves to something or to go toward making classrooms better. They can be given virtually and can be given big or small. It doesn't have to be a huge amount for a teacher to feel that support and love.
Check in and Ask How They Are Doing

This time is really stressful for teachers too, and by asking how they're doing and if they need anything, they will feel the love and support. Be sure to follow up the talk with ways to help if they're feeling stressed or if they need anything.