Being a new parent is hard for many reasons. We have the whole pregnancy to get through, followed by labor and birth. These are tremendous experiences that are hard on the body and we don't give enough credit to those who go through it. The hard work isn't done there either — next comes breastfeeding if that's what the parents choose as the best option for their baby and situation.
It might be expected that nursing comes easy, but breastfeeding can be hard sometimes. There's a lot to second-guess and worry about on top of being a new parent. That's why having supportive people around is so important.
One new mom was struggling with breastfeeding, something that many new moms do, and jugging parenthood on top of it.
The mom took to Reddit to get the community's read on what should be done -- If anything -- after an awkward conversation came up.

A new mom (OP) posted to Reddit's AITA community to get opinions on a situation that happened when her best friend came to visit after she had her baby. She started her post letting people know this story is a bit old — happening before the global health crisis — but her friend still isn't talking to her and she's trying to gauge if she was wrong.
"My husband has a best friend (Stefan) who is married to Caroline," she began explaining. "After I gave birth they came to visit to meet the baby. Anyone who has been a new mother knows how absolutely exhausted you are those first few weeks and how much a pain in the a– it is to have to keep going to a separate room to breastfeed."
The new mom admitted she "was in a lot of pain," so her husband had made the suggestion she "stop going into the other room and instead just breast feed in the living room (where I had set up camp) even when we had guest."
That suggestion worked for her, and it saved her from pain she was experiencing. "I liked the suggestion so that's what I started doing. I would cover myself with a towel when we had guests."
According to OP, the best friends came over, and she was already breastfeeding when they walked in.
"When Stefan and Caroline came over, I was already feeding the baby so they got an eyeful, but I covered myself two seconds later," she wrote. "Stefan didn't comment and just started asking how I was recovering from the birth, if we needed anything, how was the baby, etc."
He didn't seem to care, but his wife was not thrilled. "Caroline on the other hand was staring daggers into me," OP shared.
"I asked her what was wrong and she made a remark about how I shouldn't breast feed in front of people and that it was rude," she continued in the retelling of the story.
OP said she tried to calm down her friend.

"I explained that I was in a lot of pain and this was easier," she said, but it didn't sit well with Caroline. "She started getting angry and demanded to know if I thought it was okay to flash my breast at other people's husbands," she said.
"I was appalled and told her I wasn't flashing anyone. She was visibly angry and started ranting about how it was wrong of me to be sitting here naked when I knew I had guests, how I should have some respect for other people's marriages and how I was an attention seeker," according to OP, all because she was breastfeeding in her own home.
"I was stunned," she admitted.
OP's husband stood up for her and asked them to leave.
"My husband asked them to leave and Stefan kept apologising as they left," she recalled. "They never got to meet the baby for another few months."
Although OP wasn't thrilled with her friend's reaction and her statements, she did come to learn something that hinted as to why her friend was so angry that day.
"It turns out Caroline had recently caught Stefan talking to another woman and their relationship was on the rocks," the OP shared. "Stefan was very apologetic and text and called multiple times to make sure we were okay."
Things are still not cleared up with Caroline, and to make it worse, OP thinks Caroline may have said something about her.
"Since then, a few of the other wives of my husband's friends have been very cold towards me," she admitted. "I don't know what Caroline said, but I doubt it was complimentary. If I'd known they were having problems I would've just gone into the other room to avoid any problems, but I didn't."
OP asked the Reddit community if she was the one in the wrong, and commenters tried to put things in perspective for her.
"NTA wow wow wow. I'm disgusted on your behalf," one person commented. "Your husband did the right thing by asking them to leave, but I'm honestly baffled how they managed to stay in your life at all without resolving this. Your husband, unfortunately, has to have another talk with Stefan."
"NTA — Your house, your rules," a second person chimed in. "Your breast(s), your rules. Your baby, your rules. That's at least three reasons why NTA."
"NTA. In fact, she is definitely TA," replied another Redditor. "She had no right to take her marital issues out on you. Your baby was hungry. You fed your baby. That is all that matters."
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.