For mamas trying to keep harsh chemicals out of their home, and out of their toddlers mouths, bleach is not an option for cleaning bath toys. So here are a few green ways to scrub the mold and soap scum off Rubber Ducky and Daffy Dolphin, from Answers and Todder Moms:
— Fill the tub with 3 to 4 inches of water, add 1 cup vinegar and soak for about 30 minutes before rinsing. You'll disinfect the tub at the same time! — JHjelle827
— I use Clorox Green Works to clean all surfaces and toys in my home. It's eco-friendly and plant based so it's non toxic. — CrystalDawn2506
— I fill a plastic utility tub with 3-4 cups of white vinegar and let the toys soak while I clean my toilets and tub. Then I dump them into the tub, rinse and let them air dry. —happy6
— Throw them in the dishwasher (assuming you use an eco-kind dish washing detergent). — anonymous
— I use just wipe them with rum or vodka once or twice a year. — purpleducky
— I use a combo of white vinegar and tea tree oil — it works well, smells good, and is antibacterial without any dangerous chemical residues. — mom2aspclboy
How do you green clean your toddler's grimy bath toys? And how often?
Image © iStock.com/Camrocker