6 Non Toxic Ways to Clean Bath Toys

For mamas trying to keep harsh chemicals out of their home, and out of their toddlers mouths, bleach is not an option for cleaning bath toys. So here are a few green ways to scrub the mold and soap scum off Rubber Ducky and Daffy Dolphin, from Answers and Todder Moms:

— Fill the tub with 3 to 4 inches of water, add 1 cup vinegar and soak for about 30 minutes before rinsing. You'll disinfect the tub at the same time! — JHjelle827

— I use Clorox Green Works to clean all surfaces and toys in my home. It's eco-friendly and plant based so it's non toxic. — CrystalDawn2506

— I fill a plastic utility tub with 3-4 cups of white vinegar and let the toys soak while I clean my toilets and tub. Then I dump them into the tub, rinse and let them air dry. —happy6

— Throw them in the dishwasher (assuming you use an eco-kind dish washing detergent). — anonymous

— I use just wipe them with rum or vodka once or twice a year. — purpleducky

— I use a combo of white vinegar and tea tree oil — it works well, smells good, and is antibacterial without any dangerous chemical residues. — mom2aspclboy

How do you green clean your toddler's grimy bath toys? And how often? 

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