Photo by mediamom
There's a lot of talk about names lately–over in the CafeMom Newcomer's Club, sweetsouthern asked moms to tell everyone why you chose your child's name. She says,
I named my son Austin after Saint Augustine of Hippo. Saint Augustine taught free will and predestination. I was very young when I became pregnant with my son, and many thought I should not go through with my pregnancy. I felt otherwise. My son was in the Lord's divine plan for me.
I named my daughter Ashlyn because I had a dream about a little burgundy headed, blue-eyed, fair-skinned little girl. I woke up the next morning and told my husband, "We're having a girl." He knew, I knew, and I immediately began thinking about girl names. Ashlyn happens to be Gaelic for Dream.
How cool is that!?
And, for those of you with another little one the way, Cafe Melisa over in PregnancyBuzz is in the middle of a great conversation on "10 Cool and Unique Names to Consider," including Lilac and Breccan. (Ooh, I love those strong Gaelic names!) Check out her list. Then tell us what you named your now-toddler and why.