One woman on TikTok is fed up with the noisy kids in her neighborhood invading everything, and she says there’s a simple solution. Why aren’t there adults-only suburbs? No, she’s not talking about senior communities or 55-plus developments; she means entire suburbs for younger adults who are child-free by choice and want to be able to enjoy amenities without the chaos of kids around.
TikToker @soybabie__, who lives in Melbourne, Australia, recently went for a swim in the lap pool in her housing complex and was beyond frustrated when “screaming children” disrupted her peace and quiet, even though there is a dedicated pool for kids. Parents just let their kids run amok, and she doesn’t think it’s fair. And get this … not all parents disagree with her!
A lot of people seem to think the TikToker came off as a bit entitled.
“I would like to know when somebody is planning on opening an adults-only suburb where everything in it is only for adults,” the young adult shares in her TikTok. “I just feel like for people like me that are evil and hate kids, we should have our own suburb where we can just be quiet and undisturbed.”
Some commenters saw fit to remind @soyababie__ that we were all kids at some point.
“You used to be a kid mate.. ya know. So get over getting older,” reads one of more than 3,000 comments on the post.
“Go live in Antarctica,” another person chimed in.
“It’s not that you don’t like kids,” someone else commented. “It’s that you don’t like the parents of those kids. The parents should know better too!”
A lot of people actually agree with the TikToker.
Not everybody chooses to have kids these days, and sometimes, that’s literally because they don’t want to have to deal with kid behaviors all the time. Evidently for that set, a kid-free community sounds like paradise.
“I think there should definitely be more kid free places, and I’m sure as less people have kids just cuz we’ll start to see them pop up,” someone commented.
“I know like we’ve over normalized kids existing everywhere I would def live somewhere adults only,” another person wrote.
“I get this because I want more adult only spaces that aren’t centered around alcohol or just for the night time,” someone else shared.
Shockingly, even moms are on board with this idea.
That’s right: Lots of moms on TikTok came across @soybabie__’s post as well, and they’re kind of actually into the idea.
“As a parent of two small children, I completely understand what you’re saying and respect that childfree people need space too,” someone commented.
“I have kids and I wish there were adult only restaurants and parks,” another person wrote.
“As a mum, I agree. I hate going to dinner without my kids to listen to other peoples kids carry on. There should be more adult only places,” one mom commented.
“I have 3 crotch goblins and I 100 percent agree!” another person wrote.
It does kind of make sense.
The TikTok video has more than 300,000 views and more than 30,000 likes, and we too understand why it strikes such a chord. The thing is, an adults-only suburb or community would actually make it easier for parents too.
We’d have somewhere kid-free to escape to on date night or girls’ night out, but also, when we go out with our kids, we wouldn’t have to worry so much about ruining a child-free group’s good time.
Imagine going to a restaurant and not having to stress about the folks at that tiny, quiet two-top giving you a death stare because your toddler won’t stay seated. Doesn’t sound so bad.