Teaching our kids healthy eating habits is important. We want them to know that everything in moderation is OK and that we should never judge a person's worth by their physical appearance. There is enough societal pressure to try to obtain a "perfect" body – no one needs to hear it at home.
We have all heard of the "almond mom," right? She's the kind of person who restricts her food and lets everyone know, sometimes making her children uncomfortable eating. There is apparently another type of mom, and this one says, "Pass the snacks." The "gummy bear" mom has her pantry stocked and encourages everyone to enjoy a snack.
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Gummy bear moms are ready for anything.
TikToker Justyna McGuire, aka @drjustyna on the social media platform, shared a little info about gummy bear moms, and it seems they are the exact opposite of almond moms. Instead of limiting what her kids eat, the gummy bear mom does the "Costco run" and always has a stocked pantry and fridge. McGuire is a proud gummy bear mom and likes to try all the new snacks.
She knows both types of moms.
McGuire says she was raised by a gummy bear mom who always had baked goods at home, but her mother-in-law is an almond mom. Instead of having snacks, her MIL likes to tell everyone that she is full after eating "two pieces of shredded wheat." And even though McGuire doesn't say she dislikes almond moms, she is very clearly proud to be on the other team.
Some gummy bear moms were born from almond moms.
McGuire's video struck a chord with many women. Several commented that they are gummy bear moms despite their own childhoods.
"I learned something new! I'm a gummy bear mom too! But I was raised by an almond mom ha," someone joked.
One TikToker wants to get into the mind of her almond mom. "Here's my thing.. why does my almond mom have to announce how little she eats? We could just not comment on food either end of the spectrum," the commenter wrote.
McGuire responded, "I think my almond mother-in-law announces it to make sure I'm aware of how little she eats … like lady, we get it, you don't eat."
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Plenty of proud gummy bear moms exist.
One gummy bear mom opens her pantry to everyone. "All the neighbor kids come to my pantry, or if we're at the lake, they're scouring my cooler. I lived in an almond house growing up," she commented.
So does this one, who wrote, "Gummy bear mum here. Always cookies and cake when people come over. Always a billion snacks around our house."
This person thinks having a gummy bear mom is good for kids. "Gummy bear moms create children with great relationships with food!!!!" the commenter exclaimed.