I Tried Walmart+ for My Family’s Shopping & It’s a Total Game Changer

Walmart's new membership program Walmart+ has been a complete game changer for my family. The convenience factor of this new type of membership makes it worth it alone, but all the benefits that come from Walmart+ are a huge … plus! We used to spend the better half of almost every weekend shopping for groceries or other home necessities. And with the addition of baby No. 3 recently, shopping trips have gotten even more hectic than ever. But with Walmart+, my life has gotten simplified in the best way possible.

The benefits of Walmart+ are far better than many grocery delivery membership services.

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With a low monthly or yearly fee, members of Walmart+ get amazing benefits: Free delivery of groceries and more from our local Walmart store (with a low $35 minimum!); member prices on fuel at most Walmart, Sam’s Club, and Murphy fuel stations; and mobile scan & go in store, which makes it possible for you to just scan, pay, and be on your way. Super easy!

It's been a life-saver for my hectic family!


I have to confess: Most days I feel like one of those crazy frazzled moms who doesn’t know which day it is or which kid is which. Once baby No. 3 arrived, it's been even more intense! Walmart+ has helped us save time, money, and my sanity — for real! We’ve used the free delivery from our local store benefit countless times. It’s been a life saver, for those days when I’ve basically found nothing in our fridge for dinner (it’s happened) and one panic-ridden morning when I realized we were completely out of baby formula. Nightmare! Walmart+ to the rescue though. I just bought what I needed online and within hours, it was right at my doorstep.

While I haven't used the Walmart+ mobile scan & go feature that also comes with membership, I know it will make my life a million times easier once I'm back shopping in-store with three kids in tow. To be able to scan and pay as you shop so you can be on your way quickly and easily is basically how all shopping should be done.

Savings on fuel prices really do add up.

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One of my favorite things about our Walmart+ membership is the 5¢ per gallon savings on gas at most Walmart, Sam’s Club, and Murphy fuel stations. While we're not traveling very far these days, every little bit adds up and being able to save gallon for gallon really does equal a good amount at the end of the month.

Sign up today!

Sign up for a 15-day free trial of the Walmart+ membership!

Psst: If signing up for this service CafeMom may receive a small cut. The price is up to date at the time of publication; however, the price may be different at a later date.