Mom Shares Lesson Learned After Cashier Makes Joke About 3-Year-Old With Limb Differences

I went up to the electronics cashier at Walmart and asked him to price check a toy. He rang it up and quipped, "This toy will cost an arm and a leg." Then he noticed my daughter, who happens to be missing an arm and a leg. His face looked horrified and he started profusely apologizing.

I reassured him she was definitely worth more than an "arm and a leg," and I knew he had no ill intentions by his comment.

Stacey Jackson

I explained how we use humor a lot at our house and he shouldn’t worry a bit. I started to walk away and he called me back.

He told me he had two 3-year-olds and he would like to understand more about limb differences. He asked politely if missing limbs made it harder.

I answered, "Nope, she’s hard because she’s a 3-year-old, just like your kids."

Stacey Jackson

We both smiled and laughed over raising threenagers, then he bid me a great day.

It’s OK to say embarrassing things. It’s OK to say something imperfect. But what’s even better, is to continue the conversation and relate to me and my child.

Thank you, Walmart electronics cashier, for saying, "hello."

This story was republished with permission and was written by Stacey Jackson. You can follow her journey on Instagram and on her website.