How CEO Caryn Johnson Manages Her Autoimmune Infertility Journey

For some couples, starting a family isn't a straightforward process. It can be a heartbreaking and emotional roller coaster filled with loss, false hope, and disappointment.

Caryn Johnson had always wanted to be a mother. However, when she and her husband began trying to have children, she suffered multiple pregnancy losses. Her journey is nothing short of incredible, spanning from the discovery of her autoimmune infertility, the miraculous birth of her son, the surrogacy process that welcomed her daughter into the world, and, ultimately, where she stands today.

Inspired by her infertility experience, Caryn cofounded BOND, an innovative line of supplements reimagining hormone and reproductive health. The former chief marketing officer for Vital Proteins, she now fuses her professional expertise with her passion for helping women take a more proactive, holistic, and empowered approach to caring for their menstrual cycles and reproductive health.

Now living in Chicago with her husband and two children, Elijah and Ruthie, CafeMom spoke with Caryn about managing her autoimmune issues, motherhood, and launching a business.

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When Caryn struggled to start a family, she started her journey to find out why.

We asked Caryn to share her infertility journey, starting when she and her husband began trying to conceive in 2015. She knew she wanted to be a mother from a young age, however, nothing could prepare her for the many challenges they would face.

What she discovered was a stark reality. There was a lack of open conversations and support for women facing similar struggles and the information available was surprisingly scarce.

"After the heartbreaking loss of multiple pregnancies, with little to no answers or support from the doctors I was relying on, I took matters into my own hands, doing an abundance of research, which ultimately led me to the doctor who helped me uncover my autoimmune infertility," shares Caryn.

Recognizing the lack of resources and support for women dealing with unexplained infertility ignited a passion in Caryn to do everything she could to ensure other women wouldn't face this journey alone.

Caryn founded BOND, a reproductive health supplement brand.

Shocked by the limited support systems in place, Caryn recognized the need for a change. She leaned on her industry knowledge and contacts to advocate for herself and uncover invaluable resources. Her personal journey became a catalyst for a larger mission to make what she'd learned accessible to women everywhere. It was this experience that led her to create BOND.

"I leaned on this passion and my industry expertise to create BOND — a line of hormone and reproductive health supplements to foster a proactive and empowered approach to whole-body and reproductive care," Caryn tells CafeMom.

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She leaned on her support systems and online communities.

Kenzi Locks, LCSW, HWC is the founder of Growforth Family Building. She is committed to providing ethical and empathic family-building education and advocacy to family builders and the professionals who serve them. Kenzi shares that support systems are incredibly important for those facing infertility.

"Infertility can be an incredibly difficult road that has the potential to be isolating. The people who have supported you through all of life's ups and downs may not show up in the ways you may need. It can be so helpful to connect with empathic ears, whether that be an infertility support group, a therapist with a background in infertility, the huge infertility social media world — there are lots of folks out there with open arms," advises Kenzi.

When Caryn was facing infertility, she was the chief marketing officer of Vital Proteins. At Vital Proteins, she was surrounded by healthy, vibrant people who cared deeply about what they put into their bodies and their overall wellness. They showed her by example how to care for her wellness and inspired her to take her health into her own hands, which is ultimately how she was able to find answers and have her son.

Caryn shared that she is also a silent observer of many online communities, like Facebook Groups and Reddit threads. She has encountered many women going through the same things as she is, in a similar timeframe.

"If you have a story to share, I hope you can find the courage to share it. You have no idea how impactful it can be to someone you don't even know," Caryn tells CafeMom.

Caryn does a number of things to manage her autoimmune issues and prioritize her health: the 4 S's.

Caryn shares that she made the mistake of approaching BOND with naïve confidence, thinking she could handle everything effortlessly. However, nothing could have prepared her for the intense mental stress that comes with founding and launching a company.

"The weight of it hit me hard as soon as the brand launched, and it was shocking. It felt almost like postpartum — having just 'birthed' this new brand, everything seemed overwhelmingly intense. Thankfully, after about 12 weeks, I started to feel more settled into my new life and began to truly appreciate the exciting journey I had embarked on," Caryn tells CafeMom.

Caryn has to prioritize her health daily because she carries autoimmune issues. Her particular focus right now is to stay hyper-vigilant regarding her cortisol levels because it is a frontline defense for her overall health and the health of her hormones.

Cortisol is a hormone that, when produced at levels that are too high, replicates and disrupts other hormones in the body. That means, if a person's cortisol level is out of whack, none of the other hormones can function properly.

"If I can keep my cortisol levels in check, then I can keep my inflammation levels down, and my health dramatically improves, down to how I can concentrate," explains Caryn.

She focuses on the 4 S's:

• Sleep
• Supportive movement
• Supplementation
• Sauna and cold submersion

She shares her advice for other women struggling with infertility.


Caryn is deeply passionate about encouraging women to prioritize their fertility early in life, long before they plan to conceive. We asked her to share any advice for other women who are struggling with fertility issues.

"I have three pieces of advice for women who are struggling on their fertility journey. First, do your own research and always advocate for yourself. If I hadn't strongly believed there was a greater issue in my own fertility happening within my immune system, my son Elijah, now 5 years old, might not be here today. Second, find a specialist or team of specialists you trust. And lastly, embrace your community and know you're not alone. Someone will help you, and you'll eventually help someone else, too!" Caryn tells CafeMom.

"Take time to understand your options and learn about them from multiple places. There can be such a pull to make quick decisions, but these decisions can mean quite a lot for your family's future. I always suggest listening to the professionals and also those with lived experience. Think through any implications that feel unclear to you. For example, if your doctor suggests you need to consider donor conception, seek information from donor-conceived people, intended parents, and donors," Kenzi advises.

Consult with a variety of professionals to help in a fertility journey.


Dr. Loree Johnson, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and Fertility Counsellor explained family building, especially through assisted reproductive technologies (ART) like IVF, donor conception, or adoption, can be complex and emotionally challenging. Seeking professional guidance can provide you with the necessary support and information.

Consult with fertility specialists, mental health professionals, and legal experts who specialize in family building who can offer tailored advice, and emotional support, and ensure you understand all legal and medical aspects of the process. Join support groups, whether in-person or online, that focus on family building. Engage with others who are going through similar experiences. Share your journey with trusted friends and family members who can offer encouragement and understanding.

"Stay connected to who you were before infertility took over. The family-building process can become all-consuming, making it easy to lose sight of yourself and your relationship. Don't forget about your hobbies or interests that you used to engage in before this all started," Dr. Johnson tells CafeMom.

Caryn has plans for her future, both professionally and personally.

We asked Caryn to look to the future and tell us how she envisions her path forward for her business, her family, and her health.

"My biggest hope is that I can build a business that incorporates my family every step of the way. After all, my children are my daily inspiration for my work here. Their purpose is so powerful and something that I want to shine onto others," she explains.

*Disclaimer: The advice on Cafemom is not a substitute for consultation with a medical professional or treatment for a specific condition. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem without consulting a qualified professional. Please contact your health-care provider with questions and concerns.