They may be the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, but Prince William and Kate Middleton are a refreshingly normal couple. Even in the most formal circumstances, they share sweet little moments that we can identify with.
Take just one look at William and Kate cuddling at a rugby match or making each other laugh at a public event, and it's easy to see why this royal duo has so many fans: Not only are they clearly in love, but also jewelry and red-carpet treatment aside, they look and act like regular couples. And now that they're celebrating their 11th wedding anniversary on April 29, there's no denying that these two are in it to win it.
Perhaps it's because Kate is a commoner or that William is the epitome of a gentleman, but the fact that these two are so normal is what gives them their charm. Yes, they're royals — but they're people too.
It's got to be tough walking a fine line between projecting a royal demeanor and having these human husband-and-wife moments while out in public. They manage it, though, so good on them. We've put together some of William and Kate's most relatable couple moments. From how they fret over sporting events to how they look at their kids, these two are as real as it gets — and we will always love watching them be real with each other.
Sportsmanlike Behavior

These two look completely adorable at a Rugby World Cup match. They're so into it! But between William's "I give up trying to look hot" dad glasses and Kate's "I can't watch. I'm about to have a heart attack" face, they appear more like parents suffering through a particularly excruciating piano recital or school play.
I Wanna Hold Hands

Little lovey-dovey moments like this one are what make William and Kate such an endearing couple. We love it when a partner is still thoughtful long after the relationship's newness has worn off. William's gentlemanly gesture is even more meaningful because Kate is surely wearing heels with this formal dress, and she is clearly pregnant. Not only is Kate's growing baby bump making its presence known under the pleats of her skirt, but she's also cradling it protectively. Aww.
Family Matters

Let's see: William is wearing a suit and Kate is wearing a powder blue coatdress. Nope — they're not crouching down on the grass to casually picnic and play with Prince George. Fellow parents know this pose all too well: Baby George has either upchucked his lunch or he's mid-tantrum or about to fall over sleepily. Either way, it's time for mommy and daddy to come to his rescue. So relatable.
On Wednesdays, We Wear Track Jackets

Sure, these pullovers were probably given to them by the organizers of the event they're attending in this photo, but can we just imagine for a second that Kate and William are like that retired older couple who do everything together and color-coordinate their mall-walking outfits? We gotta admit it's so cute. Kate and William have known each other so long that they can probably have entire conversations telepathically.
Can't Take My Eyes Off Ya

This photo of William and Kate with George outside of the hospital on the day of his birth perfectly captures the feeling of falling in love with your newborn. Sure, they're facing a hundred photographers aiming their long lenses at them and clicking away, but in this moment, Kate and William are just like every other set of parents who have just witnessed the miracle of birth: They only have eyes for their little one.
Sharing Is Caring

Kate: "Babe, pass the popcorn."
William: "Of course, my love, but please leave some for me. I always get left with the kernels."
That would definitely be a familiar conversation we've had many a time with our significant other. On another note, we gotta wonder what the Cambridges, who were attending a basketball game in New York in this snap, made of American popcorn. Judging by William's expression, we're guessing maybe the double theater butter-blasted snack was just a little too intense for their pampered palates. They need more Orville Redenbacher in their lives.
A Little Zoolander in the Making

When William and Kate took their ridiculously photogenic son to the zoo, they did exactly what we would: introduce human cutie to furry cutie, probably in their most encouraging baby voice. The difference between a royal baby and ours? Our zoos don't name their animals after our kids, as Sydney's Taronga Zoo did during the royals' visit there in 2014. This bunny-looking animal is a native bilby named George. So cute!
Kate & William Sitting in a Tree

Royal PDA is the best PDA, even if it's pretty conservative, like this chaste kiss on the cheek. When Kate kissed William after a polo match — a sort of tradition during the trophy presentation — our collective hearts melted. The dearly departed (from royal life) Meghan Markle and Prince Harry used to full-on kiss on the lips after polo matches, but the future King and Queen of England prefer to keep things a little more, well, English.
Whatever works.
It's Electric, Boogie Woogie Woogie

William and Kate really take the mantra "Dance like nobody's watching" to heart, and we adore them all the more for revealing their goofy side, because that's exactly what we'd be doing in the same situation. We're half of that slightly tipsy couple who is first on the dance floor at wedding receptions. Considering that Kate and William had probably never even seen a traditional dance from Tuvalu before, let alone groove along with one, they're being pretty good sports embracing the moment.
Make 'Em Laugh

Look at these two lovebirds, just casually sharing a laugh while looking gorgeous. The fact that William and Kate share lots of humorous moments — the kind of vibe that comes from knowing someone for many years, as they do — makes them seem so down-to-earth and relatable. William's expression while looking at Kate is everything. He's enjoying watching her give herself over completely to whatever joke he just cracked.
Moves Like Gene Kelly

William held an umbrella for Kate when they got caught in the rain walking up to the red carpet at the premiere of War Horse. We can't even process how sweet this is, especially because it's one of those umbrellas that's made for exactly one extremely skinny person, so William is clearly not going to benefit from it at all. He may not be the British monarch yet, but he's already king … of romantic gestures.
Strong Backhand

Here's William engaging in one of our favorite forms of PDA by putting a protective hand on Kate's back. Sigh. Some people may view this as a slightly paternalistic kind of move, but let's be real, it's only annoying when it's a dude we're totally not into, LOL. For guys everywhere who were raised to be chivalrous, this is just the way they roll, and William's got an actual reason to feel protective: The couple was surely facing a throng of photographers in this moment.
Cheers, Mate!

OK, we plead guilty to doing this all the time — you know, engage in the time-honored tradition of using our significant others as guinea pigs at cocktail parties and restaurants. We're like, "OK, babe. Taste this and let me know whether it's worth losing some of my lipstick to the glass. It is? Cool. Cheers!" And because dudes will basically try anything, they're always game. And so it is with William, who is complying, at least in our imagination.
Puppy Love

Even a royal couple like William and Kate treats their pup as if he's a baby. How cute is this photo of William cradling Lupo — the dog that Kate's brother gave her — while Kate acts like it's a regular occurrence for them? Also, we can tell that this was before George, Charlotte, and Louis came along and took precedence over William and Kate's fur baby. At least William is getting some cuddling practice.
I'm So Proud

William is brimming with pride for Kate after she competes in a dragon boat race in Canada. This is hands-down the most affection we've ever seen William give his wife, and we can tell she's pleased and surprised. We also like to think he's singing a rendition of "I'm Proud of You" from Mister Rogers' Neighborhood for her, and she's gracefully grinning through his slightly off-key singing like a supportive champ.
Juggling's the Latest Hobby, Really?

Dudes are always trying to impress their women, even years into a relationship, and it's usually something we'd never be impressed by, like mad beer pong skills or juggling. Nevertheless, there's something adorable about William even trying his hand at a skill that's more suited to a court jester than a future king — and in public, no less. Anyone who is not afraid to look silly to make their loved one laugh is OK by us.
Look of Love

Gotta love sidebar moments like this one, when Kate and William are sharing a one-on-one conversation in the middle of a busy event. Kate's huge smile makes it look like they're definitely planning something for later. This photo was taken two months before their wedding (at their first official event together, a lifeboat-naming ceremony), and Kate is absolutely beaming. It reminds us of those early relationship times when all we had to do was look forward to the next good time together.
Let Me Get That for Ya

This is such a sweetly intimate moment that it almost looks like William totally forgot the cameras were there. Grooming each other — tying up a hoodie, straightening a tie, getting a piece of hair out of a loved one's face — those are all signs of affection that we make, and William and Kate are no different. As the years have gone by, though, we've gotten fewer and fewer of these kinds of moments in public — a side effect, we suppose, of the couple getting deeper and deeper into their royal roles.
Ya Want More Kids?!

This baby might be a sweetie who has taken to Kate in a big way — and the feeling is mutual — but that doesn't necessarily mean that the duchess is willing to have a fourth kid, William! Every couple has to have that conversation about how big their family is going to be, and there might be a bit of push and pull. Right now, the Cambridges have three, which is a pretty good number, especially considering that Kate has had chronic morning sickness for all three pregnancies.
Everybody, Smile!

OK, at first this may not seem like a normal couple moment. After all, the royals literally just arrived somewhere on a private plane and are walking on a red carpet. That's nowhere near reality for most of us. But that perfectly polished family look? Yeah, we know all about that. Let's be real! That's totally what we try to project when we walk into church or the family Thanksgiving get-together with our kids. As soon as we get home, though? It's jammies and mom buns all the way. We're pretty sure that the Cambridges are the same.
Traveling Together
Seeing William and Kate on a trip to the Caribbean in early 2022 was really something special. It was their first real tour together in a long time, and we loved seeing them back to their old habits, laughing together as they experienced new things.
Headed to Church
Is this the royal family or is this any other family headed out to church together on Easter Sunday? Of course, they all look sharp, but any time we see William and Kate with their kids, they really appear to be in their element (and looking much like any other mom and dad would).
A Casual Stroll
When in the Bahamas, wear shorts — yes, even if you're a royal. If we didn't know any better, we'd totally think that these two were any other tourists, hanging out in Nassau, appropriately dressed for the situation. It's rare that we get to see them so casually dressed!