We love so many things about the ladies of the Duggar family. They have the sweetest relationships with one another, many of them are turning into amazing moms, and they also have seriously incredible hair. But another thing to add to the list is the way they do their makeup — or, on occasion, don't do it. The older sisters in the family, like Jill Duggar and Jessa Duggar, always keep their look fairly natural, and it's easy to see why they do it. Even though all of them have and do wear makeup regularly, they like to keep their looks low key, and it really works out for them.
Whether they're running errands or getting married, most of the Duggar women — both born in and married in! — seem to subscribe to the "less is more" philosophy toward makeup, and they're still always camera ready. Besides, some of them, like Joy, weren't even into makeup all that much when they were younger, so it makes sense that habit followed her into adulthood, too.
And of course, for some of them, the lack of makeup is probably out of necessity. With toddlers and babies in the house, getting ready in the morning can become an Olympic sport, so we can't blame them if they need to cut time by skipping the eyeliner and lipstick — especially when they still look so gorgeous without it.
Read on for some of our favorite natural Duggar looks. Whether they're all dressed up or keeping it casual for the day, these women always look beautiful. Now, if only they could tell us their skin care routines.
Abbie's Wedding Look
Everything about Abbie's wedding day look was so pretty, and it might have been because she kept it so natural. Her dress and hair were gorgeous, but so was her low-key makeup look. Her photos with John David ended up coming out so perfectly.
Joy-Anna Cuddling Baby Gideon
In the earliest photos of baby Gideon, Joy is totally makeup free, and still, she looks gorgeous. Despite just giving birth (and becoming a mom to a newborn, a time when she probably wasn't getting much sleep at all), she looks awesome. What's her secret?
Lauren's 20th Birthday
Lauren recently shared this photo from her visit to a bakery on her 20th birthday. Of course Lauren has amazing skin — oh, to be 20 again. We'd be smiling like that too if we had that skin! She's almost always wearing a natural look, and it always looks great on her.
Anna & Jill's Matching Bumps
Various Duggar ladies have ended up being pregnant at the same time, and Jill and Anna were super cute when they were bumping together. Neither of them has ever been too big on makeup, and they don't need it. They're gorgeous without!
Jana With Her Brothers
Jana usually keeps her look on the natural side, and it definitely works for her. And now that we get to follow along with her personal Instagram account, we get more and more glimpses of her personal style. All of her outfits are always adorable.
Jessa's No-Fuss Date Night
Jessa showed off this photo from her date with Ben — including both Henry and Spurgeon hanging out in the back seat. They may have found a spider in the car, but it seems like they still had fun. Sometimes, keeping it low key is the best kind of date.
Jill With Her New Niece
How sweet are Jill and Miss Ivy Jane, who was brand new to the world when this photo was taken? We know Aunt Jill had to be so excited to meet Jessa's first daughter when she was born, so who has time for makeup when newborn cuddles are waiting? She's so tiny!
Jinger Twinning With Felicity
Jinger and Felicity have had so many adorable mother/daughter moments since she was born that we can't even count them all. Although Jinger gets done up pretty often, she looks just as good when she's going for more casual, natural looks like this one. She and Felicity make the perfect pair.
That Post-Workout Glow
Jill shared this selfie with Derick after they'd just gotten back from a run. You'd never know they were just out exercising, though! Jill consistently keeps it natural, and it's easy to see why — it's a good look for her, whether she's out running or just hanging out around the house.
Kendra's Wedding Look
Most of the Duggar brides have kept their wedding day look pretty close to their daily look, including Kendra. She looked so adorable in her dress as she married Joseph. She didn't need a dramatic makeup look to make a beautiful bride.
Going Camping
Josiah and Lauren are still technically newlyweds, and they've already had so many adventures together. They snapped this pic right before they set out on their first RV trip together. We don't doubt they had fun — and they both looked so happy.
An Anniversary Selfie
Joy and Austin are always cheesing so hard in their selfies (whether it's their anniversary or not) that it makes us even more convinced they're perfect for each other. Joy's never been one for much makeup, and she's never needed it. The natural look suits her the best.
Giving Spurgeon Kisses
Jessa shared this photo not long after Spurgeon was born. He was so tiny back then, so this picture is quite a throwback. And his mama, of course, was beautiful as always. We wonder if Jessa can even remember what it was like to be a mother to one kid now that she has four little ones at home.
Jill's Fresh Birthday Face
This birthday photo is proof that Jill glows with or without makeup, and how adorable is she? She said that she and Derick got to spend time on their own going for a hike (thanks to Derick's mom babysitting), and they ended it all with birthday cake. Seems like the perfect day to us.
That New Mom Look
Anyone who's ever had to live with a newborn knows that putting on makeup is next to impossible. And in those early days, a lot of moms are too busy cuddling their little ones to bother — just like Jinger. She looks a little tired here, but we don't doubt Felicity made it all worth it.
Hanging With Samuel
Jill is sporting another fresh face in this selfie, but there's so much to love about the photo. First of all, Samuel is precious, as always — that little face gets us every time. We also love Jill's headband and braid look. It's impossible not to be jealous of her hair!
A Wedding Planning Trip
This sister selfie was taken when Joy joined Jinger on a trip to plan her wedding, and they couldn't look more adorable. They kept it casual, but it was sweet they got to spend time together. Not long after this, they were planning Joy's wedding!
Celebrating Garrett's First Snow
Garrett has always been such a happy kid (especially as a baby), and it looks like winter really agreed with him! He looks like he really loved his first snow, and his parents look pretty happy about it, too. No matter what Kendra's doing, she always has the cutest smile on her face.
Voting Day
Joy-Anna and Austin shared this photo after they voted in the 2018 midterm elections. They're both so happy to be doing their civic duty! And as always, fresh-faced Joy is adorable. Much like Lauren, if we had Joy's skin, we'd be willing to ditch the makeup more often!
Surrounded by Babies
Jill shared this photo of her and her boys with a friend's son, baby Seth. This lady always looks so happy when she's surrounded by kiddos. Growing up in such a large family, she probably feels right in her element when there are lots of children around!