‘Counting the Cost’: Most Explosive Reveals From New Jill Duggar Memoir

Earlier this month, Jill Duggar released her highly anticipated memoir, Counting the Cost, into the world, and with it, she seems to have opened up quite a can of worms when it comes to the darker details of her famous family's life behind the scenes. To put it mildly, Jill didn't exactly paint her father, Jim Bob, in the most positive light, and she divulged a lot of secrets her parents probably would prefer to keep under the rug. Growing up Duggar was a lot harder than we ever could have imagined it would have been.

Read on for all of the biggest reveals from Jill's memoir.

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She almost died in childbirth.

When Jill gave birth to her second child, Samuel, it ended up being far more serious than anyone let on publicly at the time. Not only did she have an emergency C-section and need a blood transfusion, but also Samuel was born with a brain bleed that, with time, ended up repairing itself.

This pushed Jill to use birth control until she was ready to conceive her third child, and at one point, she wasn't sure if she would physically be able to give birth again.

Her dad had a strong reaction to her wearing pants.

We've always wondered how Jim Bob and Michelle felt about Jill's choice to get her nose pierced and to start wearing pants, and now, we know that Jim Bob totally blew up at her.

"You know, Mom's got this book somewhere that talks about clothing and modesty and what it does to men when they see women wearing pants and stuff. So, maybe you should give that a read," he said, according to Jill.

Jim Bob offered all of his kids a one-time payment for their reality series.

After Jill and Derick discovered that Jim Bob hadn't paid any of the children for filming 19 Kids & Counting and Counting On, they spoke with him multiple times about being given what they were owed.

Instead of paying each of the children a fair percentage of the money he'd made from TLC, Jim Bob tried to strike up a deal instead. He offered each of his children (including Jill) a one-time payment of $80k, but in order to get the money, they had to sign a contract promising they and their children would film for the shows in perpetuity without any further payout.

More from CafeMom: Jim Bob Duggar Accused of Kicking Josh's Wife & Their Second Kids Off the Compound

He presented Jill with an itemized bill.

Jill and Derick didn't take the $80k payout, and they still continued to fight for the money they were owed. At one point, they received a letter from the IRS indicating that Jim Bob had paid her $130,250. There's only one problem: She'd never seen a cent of that money.

When Jill asked to be paid the money the IRS believed she had made for filming, Jim Bob responded by sending her an itemized list of her expenses while living under his roof, including the ones she'd supposedly incurred while she was still a minor, to justify not paying her.

Jim Bob threatened Jill's inheritance.

As they continued to fight over the money he owed her, Jim Bob wrote Jill a letter, offering her $20,000 to end their legal battle and threatening to lower her inheritance if she refused the offer.

"$20,000 is a one-time offer, take it or leave it, please let me know by Monday night, or the amount will be zero. If you attack us, probably your inheritance will be lowered significantly. I love you, but I am grieved by the disrespect and the accusations that continue," Jim Bob wrote in the letter, according to Jill.