Friends, I have Growth Charts on the brain this week. Maybe it was seeing Baby June get weighed and measured at her two month check up. Or maybe it's because I've noticed my big kids are too tall for last years jeans. Or maybe it's because I think no home is complete without a great growth chart.
Whatever the reason, I've been talking about them with everyone I know, and all sorts of wonderful readers have sent me links to their favorites. There are loads of neat growth chart offerings on Etsy, and there several cool DIY options I've seen the past few days. But this oversized tape measure designed by Cathe Holden deserves a giant spotlight. It's so clever! And I think is completely rad looking. (By the way, do you frequent Cathe's blog? If you're into DIYs at all, it's a must read.)
Cathe graciously shared her DIY steps for the giant tape measure growth chart.
Step One:
Download the FREE PDF that Cathe made for this project and print all 7 pages on 8.5" x 14" (that's legal size, NOT letter size) paper.
Step Two:
Trim along the short edges and use a black marker to fill in any white showing on the edges where you trimmed.
Step Three:
Cut out the holes of the measuring tape and use the black marker again to fill in any white.
Step Four:
Line up each section of the printed images and secure with small pieces of clear tape outside the printed area. Going section by section, align and tack with tape then flip over and run one long piece of tape along the seam. When the entire piece has been taped, flip back to the image side and trim along the sides to remove the remaining white sections. Give the corners a slightly rounded trimming.
And that's it. Cathe suggests using Mod Podge to laminate your chart to a piece of upholstery vinyl or oilcloth for a beefier chart — or you can simply hang it as a poster. Bonus: if you prefer centimeters, there's a free download for that as well!
Thank you, Cathe, for letting me feature this wonderful project here on The Stir. I can't wait to make one.