When I think of my daughter's future, I think of so many things: love, grandchildren (mine, not hers), proms, and college. I do not think of pole dancing. I guess that makes me more conventional than I thought.
Chris Rock once said a father's only goal should be to keep his daughter "off the pole," but for one mom in Australia, the pole is just where she wants her daughter to be. Mia Robinson and daughter Kiki Vidis are a mother-and-daughter striptease show. Can you say ew?
Look, I like a strip show as much as the next gal, but this is way, WAY too much. Robinson says:
Some people get a strange idea about what we actually do in our act, but it has humor and doesn't cross any boundaries.
Is it me or is it a "boundary" to not be naked on stage with your child? Vidis said that some people imagine the act goes further than it does. "That would be gross," she said. Because dancing nude with your mom isn't?
I try to be open minded about all things sexual and I certainly want to raise both of my children in such a way, too. But I draw the line at ever dancing nude on stage with them. What would that tell an impressionable young woman in her early 20s? Is that really a career path I would want to see my daughter pursue?
I don't think of myself as particularly prude-ish. But I do think mothers have a duty to protect our daughters from harm. It's our job to make sure they develop healthy attitudes about sex and, most of all, don't fall into doing depraved things for men just because the men want them to.
Well, guess what? This is a pretty twisted fantasy. If seeing a mother and daughter nude together, dancing for money is what turns you on, maybe you ought to look at yourself a bit more closely.
As a parent, I think it is crucial to be clear: It's one thing to be nude with your child and let them feel comfortable nude. There is nothing wrong with nudity. But it's all context. If you are shaking your booty for dollars and your daughter is standing beside you, doing the same, then you have pretty much failed as a decent role model.
This is about the unsexiest thing I have ever heard of.
Do you think this mom is crazy?
Image via lululemon athletica/Flickr