‘RHONY’ Star Carole Radziwill Has a Dirty Little Stay-Thin Secret

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York, you've caught yourself wondering why they ever let Aviva out of her cage, why there wasn't a bigger deal made about LuAnn slutting it up with that French Johnny Depp, and what the hell does Carole Radziwill do to keep her amazing figure. At 46, Carole's managed to defy aging and has the body of a 20-year-old. Nay, a 16-year-old. How does she maintain such a strong and slender physique?

Welp, she finally fessed up. At Us Weekly's 25 Most Stylish New Yorkers party, Carole told the magazine her dirty little secret that keeps her body in tip top shape:

My metabolism is so steady. I have a crazy metabolism — it's one of the great mysteries of my life. I'm blessed. God gave me a whole bunch of other issues, but my body is good.

Her secret's out — she's just naturally thin. Gah, I was hoping for some weight-loss trick only Princesses know about or something (Carole's royalty, after all), but alas, HRH Radziwill is just one of the lucky ones. Good for her.

And I really like how she sounds grateful for her god-given body. She knows a lot of women struggle with body issues and losing the poundage, and she doesn't demean them with a flippant response about how she doesn't work out and can eat whatever she wants — she admits that she's blessed but, at the same time, hints that being thin doesn't solve all her problems. She's a cool, down-to-earth lady.

And sidebar, thank god for Carole this season, right? She says what we're all thinking, and manages to look good doing it. Love her.


Photo via Gary Gershoff/Getty