Ahhh, Valentine’s Day. Before kids, it’s all about spending some quality time with one’s honey (or besties), having a romantic dinner, flowers, candy, and some snuggle time on the couch. After kids, it’s … not like that. As any parent will admit, Valentine’s Day with kids becomes a little more chaotic. Maybe, one gets a nice breakfast, maybe, Mom or Dad gets a hand-drawn card, and maybe, one gets to spend some romantic time with their partner — but then again, maybe not. The holiday becomes more about the love one has for their family and of course candy, lots and lots of candy.
In honor of that subtle but very real change that happens to Valentine’s Day post-kids, we’ve looked to the real people who have a lot to say about the matter — actual parents. Turning to Twitter, we’ve scoured the best things that parents have to say about the holiday — the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Big Plans
Me: What are we doing for Valentine’s Day?
My Husband: Raising three kids
— Not the Nanny (@not_thenanny) February 3, 2021
Pre-kids, the plans might have been splashing out on some nice wine and a little Netflix and chill. After kids, it's more like mac and cheese and going to bed at 9.
Big Spender
Me: My kids are spoiled.
Also me: OMG that would be so cute for them for Valentine’s Day! ❤️— Emilee (@emmylou305) February 7, 2021
We get this. How many times have we walked down the Valentine's Day aisle at CVS and thought, How much could one little stuffed bear really hurt? Well, one quickly turns to two and two turns into too many.
The Most Dangerous Game of All
I miss the highstakes challenge of your kid coming to tell you the morning of Valentine's Day that they need to bring an ornately decorated Valentine's box to school for their desk and you have exactly half an hour to make magic out of a shoebox and random shit around the house
— Author Abby Jimenez (@AuthorAbbyJim) February 6, 2021
Admittedly, one of the biggest differences between V-Day, pre- and post- kids, is that Mom and Dad need to deal with the dreaded Valentine's Day holiday party at school.
It's Just a Little Crush
Just made Damonis Valentine’s Day cards for school and lemme just say… whoever Magie is, that kid crushin hard lmao. ❤️
— $helbss (@666shelbs) February 4, 2021
Literally nothing is stranger than when one's kid starts to get crushes. Time really does fly. It seems as if yesterday they were watching Daniel Tiger and thought other kids had cooties. And today, they're trying to woo another 10-year-old with SweeTarts.
Zoom Woes
Pro tip: Before you have an official interview, it's a good idea to check your Zoom name – especially if your daughter was recently using it for a virtual Brownie meeting.
You're welcome.
Mary (a.k.a. "Frankie Happy Valentine's Day)
— Mary Spicuzza (@MSpicuzzaMJS) February 9, 2021
By now one would think that we've gotten over the hump with Zoom issues — but this tweet is a good PSA to always check one's Zoom name, especially after a Girl Scouts meeting.
Who Me?
My daughter’s teacher posted in the class about them having a Valentine’s Day party and asked the parents if they want to buy anything and it hit me…I’m a real life parent out here
— Her. (@TreniseLynnell) February 5, 2021
There is nothing worse than when the teacher asks for parent participation and it's clear — I'm the adult in this situation. Ah! And we thought Halloween was the scary holiday.
Enhance, Enhance
My daughter decided to “enhance” her Valentine’s Day chocolates…I think I’m raising a monster! Note to self: do not share my candy with her ever. Never ever. pic.twitter.com/iDBjk6uY6t
— 장소영 – Karen (@winnerslow) February 10, 2021
I think it's time that we all agree that there is Mom's candy and there is the bub's candy — and those two should never mix. Other parents with similarly "creative" kids will understand.
Nerves of Steel
Helping my 7th grade son shop for Valentine’s Day for his first ever official girlfriend made me way more nervous than it made him.
— Michael Roush (@mdroush) February 9, 2021
That first boyfriend or girlfriend can be so scary — for Mom and Dad. And trying to pick out the perfect Valentine's Day gift for a preteen? I get why this dad has the jitters.
What's He Up To?
My 10 y/o old son asked me if Valentine’s Day is on a weekend. I said yeah that it’s on a Sunday. He said “okay, good”. I have no idea what he has planned.
— Kerri (@KerriChristian) February 4, 2021
When kids are in charge of the Valentine's Day plan, one can only expect that there's going to be a little chaos. On the other hand, they sure are sweet when they want to show their love.
Phoning It In
when i was little my parents would always have “birthday” party for me on Valentine’s Day since my middle name is valentina but now all i get is a video from snapchat:((
— vivi (@riveraviviana_) February 9, 2021
As kids get older, the holiday becomes less about heart-shaped pancakes and stuffed animals and more about the little things. Or in the case of this woman, the very little things.
Stressed Out
My 12 year old daughter asked me to get her a massage for valentines day
— Gerald O (@futuregerald) February 9, 2021
Look, this year has been hard on everyone — including kids. They have to spend eight hours at virtual Zoom school AND there's no playground to escape to? I'm on the daughter's side.
A Real Grinch
Husband: what do you want for Valentine’s Day?
Me: all the shit I didn’t get for Christmas.
— Sara Buckley (@nottheworstmom) February 3, 2021
The best part about being married is being real with one's partner — and this lady is keeping it the realest. I guess one could call her Valentine's Day "Christmas Two."
Light My Fire
I’d ordered my daughter and myself a couple Valentine’s Day candles from Bath & Body Works. My husband opened the box and thought one was for him. He lit it immediately and was so happy. It only took 26 years for me to figure out this perfect gift…completely on accident.
— Darlin’ Darla (@Darlainky) February 5, 2021
Well, it's nice to see someone getting exactly what he wants for Valentine's Day, although clearly no one could've foretold how much this dad would love a Bath & Body Works candle.
This Valentine’s Day, say the three little words she’s longing to hear: “You sleep in.”
— SpacedMom (@copymama) February 10, 2018
Some people want to hear another three little words, but I think this lady is on to something. No need to get up for 8 a.m. virtual school? Sounds good to me.
It's the Thought That Counts
Me: Do you want me to pick up some Valentine's candy for you and the girls today?
Wife: Absolutely not.
Me: Seriously?
Wife: It'll be on sale tomorrow.
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) February 14, 2018
Everyone knows that Valentine's Day is just the preamble to the real holiday — the post-Valentine's Day candy sales. A half-priced box of chocolates? Yes, please.