15 Things Every Libra Knows About Themselves

For anyone who follows the astrological signs, they know that the time of the Libra is just around the corner. Each calendar year between September 23 and October 22, is Libra season and there are so many qualities that makes this one of the most celebrated signs. For anyone who's expecting a Libra, is a Libra themselves, or loves someone who is a Libra, understanding the common traits and qualities can make life easier – or at least a little more interesting.

Libra is the seventh astrological sign in the Zodiac and they're known for being one of the best signs out of the whole bunch. There are a lot of their qualities that are positive, but at the same time, because no one is perfect, sometimes they can be a hard one to read or a little bit of a drama-attractor.

Here are 15 things that every Libra knows about themselves that is only a matter of time before their whole circle knows it.

They Like to Stir the Pot

Libras know that it's in their personality to not take sides. They don't like to be on the end of conflict and that paired with their inability to choose a side, they have a tendency to stir the pot in an effort to not choose sides and not start a conflict. It's actually hilarious.

Texting First Is Hard

Libras are always trying to smooth things over β€” they don't want to come across as annoying or needy and in trying to do that, they realize texting first is the last thing they want to do. They feel it's annoying, but they'll always return a text β€” usually with emojis.

Forgiveness, OK. Forget, Not Going to Happen

A Libra is one of the easiest to get along with personality-wise. They always want to be kind and they don't have it in them to hold on to a grudge. They're more willing to forgive, and give someone another chance, but if we ask them to forget it or to not have a take-away lesson, that won't happen.

A Libra Is Just Nice

For a Libra who is in a relationship, sometimes their friendliness and desire to always be liked gets misread as flirting. Often, they don't even realize what is going on but their partner or the person they're talking to may be quick to point it out.

Analyzing Is Never Done

Libras strive to understand everything, and they're mortified with the idea of not reading into a situation correctly. With this comes analyzing, over-analyzing, then analyzing why they're over-analyzing. It can be exhausting.

There Won't Be Any Confusion on Where One Stands

If a Libra loves someone, they will let the person know. They always want their partner, family, or friends to know how much they mean to the world, and there won't be an opportunity go by that those feelings won’t be said out loud. They know this about themselves, and yes, it's exhausting, too.

Always Ready to Chat

Libras love to be the life of the party, even if there isn't a party. They're social butterflies, and they know this about themselves so they're never afraid in a new situation. Even if a Libra says they're not good in these circumstances, when put into one, they soar. But, when something goes wrong, they'll obsess.

Decisions, What Decisions?

Back to the idea that the Libra likes to be balanced and fair, that means they're good to talk to as a friend, but they're no good at making a decision and taking a side. Pro/con lists are their jam, but they know they'll still struggle to decide.

Confronting a Libra With an Issue Won't Go Well

Libras understand that conflict happens, and they'll be there for a friend to analyze what's going on in their own lives. However, if one has an issue with a Libra and goes to confront them, they know it won't go well. They'll over-analyze and stress over what they could have done wrong.

Easy to Persuade Other People

It's probably because of their ability to be balanced and always worried about what other people are up to, but whatever the reason, Libras know they're good at persuading people. This means they're either good at talking people into doing something, or to talk them out of doing something bad.

They Tell It Like It Is

Some might say a Libra is rude, but what the Libra will say is that they're just honest. There's no sugar-coating and they're OK with that as long as it gest their loved on to the decision that's best for them. It's good to have a Libra friend, but understand what they say comes from love.

A Simple Wardrobe

Remember when we said that Libras are indecisive? That's also true when it comes to their closet and they know this too. As a result, they keep it simple in the wardrobe department. It's full of little black dresses for the big events and simple basics for their daily wear.

Libras Know They Attract Bad Energy Sometimes

Libras are calm as can be and they're good at attracting people in their life who need to find some balance. It can take a lot of their energy and, at times, they're frustrated with the people they seem to let into their lives, but they don't want to start any drama.

They're Happy When Everyone Else Is

Again, here's that balance playing into their life and it hits every aspect of their life. They know this is true, and it can weigh on them sometimes. All they want is to have everyone in their inner circle feel happy, feel loved, and they feel all out of sorts when they're not.

Art Speaks to Them

It can be challenging for a Libra to say what they're feeling. Sometimes this is because they worry about how their feelings will be perceived, other times the Libra worries about the other person's feeling. They do speak through music though, so if a Libra shares a song with someone, it's the lyrics they want to be listened to.