Last week, I gave you some of the pros' best makeup tips for women in their 20s. Now it's time to move on to moms in their 30s. Your needs change in your 30s and it's hard to know what to keep from your 20s regime and what to let go of forever.
Want some professional advice from a seasoned stylist to the stars? Read on!
1. Face. In your 30s, you're going to want to spend a little more time on your face. Plan on spending 10 minutes putting on makeup now, instead of the 5 minutes you spent in your 20s.
Start using primer now before putting on your makeup. It'll make everything go on more smoothly and last longer. (I use M.A.C. Prep + Prime, for example.) You can just use it on your t-zone if you don't want to cover your whole face with it.
You'll also want to start using concealer if you don't already. It's best applied lightly with a brush. Use it under your eyes and in your eyes' inner corners, as well as on dark spots and blemishes. Top things off with a loose powder. Every makeup artist I know uses Laura Mercier's translucent powder. It's really wonderful and light.
2. Eyes. In your 30s, start focusing more on your eyes and less on your lips. Steer clear of bright colors and sparkly, shimmery eye makeup. Stick with neutrals instead. You can use more liner in your 30s– Just be sure and blend it in with your shadow. Also work on thickening those lashes, either with a volume-boosting mascara or individual false lashes if you really want to go all out. Just be sure and practice first before wearing them to an event. I have a great tutorial on how to apply them here.
My favorite 30s eye tip– If you line your upper lid, make sure the line curves up slightly at the outer edges of your eyes and not down. That will lift your eyes, as opposed to making them look droopy.
3. Brows. You should be paying more attention to your brows in your 30s, making sure they are properly shaped and plucked or waxed. Use eye shadow that's a shade lighter than your brows and a brush to fill in your brows. Dont draw them on. Also, the pros say your brow should have a definite arch. Don't make your brows look round — that's a common rookie mistake that drives makeup artists crazy.
At a loss on plucking? Use your tweezers, a pencil or your finger and follow this rule of thumb.
Your brow should start here.
Your arch should be here.
Your brow should end here.
4. Lips. Your lipstick will start feathering in your 30s, something that drives me crazy. To prevent this, I rub a little concealer into my upper lip line before putting on anything- This fills in the tiny lines around my lips and prevents feathering. You'll have to start wearing lip liner in your 30s to keep your lipstick from running (I love M.A.C. lip liner in Whirl. It's a perfect neutral.) Lip plumping serum also helps keep lipstick from feathering. Sally Hansen makes a great inexpensive one that lots of pros use.
Be sure your lip liner is not darker than your lipstick/gloss. That just looks awful.
5. Cheeks. Your cheeks get a little more complicated in your 30s. The pros recommend that you use a bronzing powder in the hollows of your cheeks to contour your face. Use a cream blush on the apples of your cheeks to give your face a little bloom. I actually use Nars Orgasm blush, which is a powder, and I think it's absolutely perfect.
6. SPF. SPF is vital. Find a moisturizer that includes SPF and wear it every single day, rain or shine.
7. Cleanse and moisturize.. Moisturizing your face is so important in your 30s. Use a moisturizer in the daytime and at night, and start using eye cream if you're not using it already. It's also important in your 30s to exfoliate. Many pros love the Clarisonic Electric Face Brush for cleansing– If that's too expensive for you, there are plenty of knock-offs on the market that are much cheaper. If you use an exfoliating scrub, make sure the exfoliators in it are light and not too gritty.
8. Wax. You may need to start waxing your face in your 30s– For some women, hairs start to appear on your upper lip, chin and cheeks. Makeup sticks to peach fuzz and makes it noticeable, so consider getting rid of it.
9. Stay fit. Exercising, staying hydrated, and eating right will help keep you looking youthful more than just about anything else you can do. You know it. Now do it.
10. Get professional advice. One of the best ways to make sure your look is current in your 30s is to schedule an appointment with a makeup artist. Avoid women at the makeup counters- Their main goal is to sell you products. Instead, book an appointment with a makeup artist at a salon and have him/her do your whole face and teach you how to do it yourself. Many women are now booking appointments for a few friends and bringing wine to make it a girls' night out. What a great idea!
Most of these tips came from Stephanie Trail, the owner of Salon NFuse here in Nashville. Stephanie's done hair and makeup for lots of Nashville celebs and models– The woman knows what she's talking about. Thanks for the advice, Steph!