Let's talk yoga. No, not like magazine cover yoga, real person yoga.
I'm a chubby girl. I'm not a born yogi by nature, one of those slender ballerina types who is so graceful it's kind of disgusting. That said, I love the rush I get from exercise…allll exercise. Yes, 'exercise' here includes doing the nasty. Mind your chakras, y'all — it's about to get sexy up in here!
Yoga leads to better sex. It makes sense! Yoga is all about existing in the moment. It's about being limber and present in your body. In other words, doing yoga = daaaayyyyum girl, check that swirl! I want that! And if I've got to log a few extra sessions being wobbling and sweaty and insecure alongside some Natalie Portman-type clone in exchange for the best sex of my life, I am totally okay with that.
More from The Stir: Sexercise Workout Tones You Up With Bedroom Moves — Awkward!
Here are 5 totally easy, totally effective, poses you can try to freshen things up when it comes time for hitting the sack. Good sex isn't about how many strap-ons you own, or how crazily you can contort your body, it's about feeling comfortable in your skin when you're getting naked with your partner. These poses will make you feel stronger and more flexible — and with those comes more confidence, which we all know, is the sexiest thing of all!
Do you do any exercises to heat up your sex life?
Image via Illustration Works/Corbis
The Plow Pose

Feeling sluggish and not so sexy? This pose sends the blood to your head, leaving you feeling wide awake and ready for anything. Also staring at your own crotch makes you more attuned than ever to your downstairs region.
The Pigeon Pose

Pigeon pose requires deep relaxation into your hip muscles. This makes you stronger and super flexible over time. A good warm-up!
The Downward Facing Dog

Your butt up in the air = the ultimate "let's get it on" posture. Just ask the dogs. All joking aside, this is great spinal stretch, and another one good for re-upping your energy.
The Bridge Pose

The bridge pose is yoga's answer to kegels. Seriously! The lifting and holding movement requires you to work the muscles of your pelvic floor, tightening your vaginal muscles in the process.
The Happy Baby Pose

If missionary is your go-to position, this gentle (and quietly hilarious) pose 'the happy baby' can help! A sore lower back can be a problem with this popular position, the cause? Tight abductor and hamstring muscles! Get yourself primed with this sucker.