You know what they say about divorce: Unlike marriage, it always lasts forever. But as many divorced women know, the heartache and stress of divorce fades with time. And hopefully, you're left with an inner strength built from struggle and a new-found joy in your independence. What better way to mark those feelings than to get a tattoo? These aren't sad tattoos that mourn the past. These are designs that say, "I survived, and I am stronger, now!" Divorce isn't exactly something you celebrate, but once you've survived it, it can be a badge of honor. Here are 8 beautiful tattoos that express how many women feel about divorce.
This Too Shall Pass

"This too shall pass" — a saying that reminds us that we won't always be in this conflict and won't always feel this pain.
Sometimes You Need to Let Things Go

Sometimes you need to let someone go — there's a lightness to that balloon.
We Could Find Me a New Recipe

Time to change the recipe of life that you've been following — and try something new.
Everything's Gonna Be Alright

This one is hard to read — maybe that's the point? But it's something everyone going through a divorce needs to say to themselves: Everything's gonna be all right!
Phoenix Rising

I love this tattoo of the mythical Phoenix bird, which rises from the flames. Beautiful symbol of rebirth.
It Can't Rain All the Time

It's important to remember that cloud of sadness will lift eventually.
Free Bird

The best part of divorce for many of us — sweet, sweet freedom.
Key to Set Yourself Free

It's your life now — only you hold the key.