We all know the statistics that about 40 to 50 percent of marriages will ultimately end in divorce. But what does life really look like after "I do" becomes "I don't"? Just like every relationship is different, every split is different too. From the angry couples to the ones who will be friends for life, the following text messages show the pain, the peace, and the funny that can be life after divorce — it isn't always pretty, and some of these divorce texts are down right cringey.
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Divorce is a messy game — especially when kids are involved. But what is the right way for a divorced couple to communicate? While it is not an exact science, we did find a compilation of texts between divorced spouses that prove how necessary good communication skills are … and the consequences if things are less than amicable. These texts show both the good, bad, and ugly of trying to discuss important issues with an ex-spouse. And while some of them are angry messages of past emotional injuries, others show easy-breezy relationships between two people who were able to push past their differences. Take a look and decide if these text messages deserve to be in the bad-ex hall of fame or if there's maybe is such a thing as a good divorce?
Image via K.P.
No Comment

I suspect these two are probably not likely to be good friends any time soon. Yikes.
Moving On

Let's give a gold star to this couple who is managing to co-parent with respect for each other. This is what a "good divorce" looks like.
Bye, Mom

Sometimes divorce means saying "good-bye" to not only your partner, but also to your in-laws. We're going to assume this is not always a bad thing.
Not Her Problem

Yep. His problem is NOT her problem anymore. It is amazing she can resist such a classy pick-up line.
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Love & Friendship

Divorce is the end of a marriage, but for some couples the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Still Fresh

Something tells me this couple isn't quite ready to be BFFs yet.
More from The Stir: 14 Texts Between Husbands & Wives That Perfectly Illustrate What Marriage Is Really Like (PHOTOS)
Happy Ending?

Whatever the reason, divorce is a major loss. With major loss comes sadness and grief. Sure, a happy ending might not happen right away, but hopefully it will happen.
More from The Stir: 36 Things I Wish Someone Told Me About Divorce
No Bunnies

When it comes to dating someone who has been divorced, it is helpful if their ex has a sense of humor.
So Rude

We have to say that we think this guy was lucky to even get his records back at all …
Show Her the Money

Wonder what the going rate on cursed engagement rings is these days?
A Good Friend

A good friend stands next to you when you get married. A GREAT friend stands by your side when you go through a divorce.