15 Moms Reveal the Craziest Moves They’ve Made in the Name of Lust

When it comes to wanting to get frisky, experienced moms know that we've got to act on those impulses when they happen. It can be too darn easy for parents to turn into roommates, and a dry spell can start in a hurry if we are always waiting for the perfect moment to catch some much-needed sexy alone time. Frankly, getting into the mood can be challenging for moms that are tired and touched out, so we are here to support all the moms who are figuring out how to act on lust when it happens!

We talked to 15 inspirational moms, who asked to stay anonymous, about their most recent story of when the urge to get frisky led to some crazy and creative moments. It may seem silly to plan time to get busy, but a little bit of effort can yield some great results! We can assure our readers that their partners won't mind at all if they let this article inspire them, so read on for all the fun.

More from CafeMom: How To Rekindle The Romance Once the Kids Are No Longer so Needy

The Surprise Visit


"My husband was working crazy hours at work, and it had been weeks since we'd had sex. I was getting antsy about it, so I resorted to a classic. I put on some hot lingerie, covered up with a trench coat, and went to his work at lunchtime. He only had 15 minutes to eat, and I made VERY good use of them."

Car Quickie


"Our 6-year-old and 8-year-old were playing in the backyard, and my husband was working in our detached garage. I went to bring him a water bottle, and he looked so cute building my bookcase that I had to pounce! We put the garage door down and got busy in the car. It wasn't the best sex ever, but it was fun and made us feel like we were back in the dating days. The kids were none the wiser."

Screen Time


"We don't let the kids watch TV on weekdays. So, when I offered my daughter the chance to watch a video on a Wednesday night, she was thrilled. My husband was thrilled that I was finally in the mood. We snuck up to our room and had sex for the first time in months."

More from CafeMom: 13 Women Talk Sex With Their Partners & How Much is Enough

Pulled All the Strings


"We don't have family in town, so we NEVER get to do overnights without the kids. Last fall, I called in every favor I had with friends to get a night in a hotel with my partner. One friend did day care pickup, one did school pickup, another let them stay the night, and our neighbor let them hang out with her in the morning until we got home. 

"It took a ridiculous amount of scheduling to make it all work, but it was so worth it. Lust was definitely a motivating factor to find a way to make it all work.

"We finally got to have some slow, non-vanilla, not quiet sex. Three times, actually. I forgot how great morning sex can be."

Cooking in the Kitchen


"We did it on the kitchen floor while I was supposed to be getting Thanksgiving dinner ready. We finished about four minutes before my in-laws arrived back from a walk with our kids."

Booty Call


"After my divorce, I went through a very long dry spell. One night, I was just so horny. I knew my vibrator wasn't going to cut it. So, I booty-called an old ex-boyfriend at midnight and snuck him into the house for sex and out before the kids were up in the morning. Sometimes, a single mom just needs an actual penis. No offense, vibrator, but it's true!"

More from CafeMom: 11 Ways to Have Mind-Blowing Sex … Quietly

Pregnancy Hormones in Effect


"Being pregnant makes me SO horny. Like, crazy so. And my orgasms are out of control. We've done a lot of experimenting to figure out how to keep getting it on once my belly is huge. We actually just bought these sex pillow/ramp things. I kind of can't believe we bought sex-specific furniture, but it helps us get into some better positions. This is my last pregnancy, and I'm kind of sad that I'm never going to have orgasms this good ever again. All that pelvic blood flow is amazing."

Gym Time


"I can't believe I'm admitting this. But I'm actually kind of proud of it too. My husband and I go to the gym together. We stick the kids in the childcare and then work out for 45 minutes or so. Then, about once a week, we sneak into the handicap bathroom, which is a stand-alone, and do it. My husband sits on the toilet and I make very good use of the handicap bars on the walls. We almost got busted one week, which makes it more fun!"

Sunday Fun Day


"Well, last month, my husband was gone for three weeks for work. He got back really early on Sunday morning. We ended up taking the kids to Sunday school and then turning right around and going home for a quickie! Praise the Lord!"

Sick Day


"My husband and I are both teachers, and we only get five sick days for the whole year, so we are usually really careful not to waste them. But one day, we were just both really wanting to connect with each other and to get out of the 'mom' and 'dad' zone and have sex like we did when we were dating. We both decided to cash in a sick day, send the kids to school, and then we spent all day in bed. It was amazing."



"We can't be the only couple that has had dead-silent sex on a hotel room floor in order to not wake the kids, right? There is just something about being on vacation that makes me horny. Floor sex at home sounds terrible. Floor sex on vacation? OKAY!"

More from CafeMom: 11 Fun & Frisky Ways to Get Creative With Your Sex Life

I Quit!


"I actually quit my job to save my sex life, so I think that counts as making crazy decisions out of lust, right? My husband and I were working different shifts, and it was killing our sex life. Sex is important to both of us as a way to keep our marriage healthy. We both need it to feel good in our relationship. But with him on a night shift and me on days, we barely saw each other, let alone had sex. It was taking a toll on us. We were both snippy and cranky. 

"Finally, I just decided that it didn't make sense to keep doing it like this. One day at work, my husband sent me a d— picture and a long message about what he wanted to do to me. I decided I needed to go home right now, and I just … didn't come back. Ever."

Shower Time


"I hate shower sex. It is so much better in theory than in practice. So, I know I must have been extra horny the other day when I hopped in the shower with my husband while the kids were getting ready for school. He was very pleasantly surprised. The sex wasn't good for me. because shower sex is fundamentally terrible, but it was good for morale."



"My boyfriend and I work for the same company, but nobody knows yet. We are trying to be very discreet about it. So, it was VERY out of character for me to ask him to have lunch in my office. It was even more out of character to ask him to have ME for lunch while I was sitting on the desk. This is what happens when your book club chooses Fifty Shades for the monthly read!"

Good Reviews


"I gave my husband a hand job at the movie theater! I don't remember what movie it was (it was terrible), and there were like five people in the theater. It felt like I was 16 again. It was fun. We should make plans for a matinee soon."