Instagram ‘Hot Dog Legs’ Got a Much-Needed Body-Positive Makeover

When summer rolls around, there is more than just a change in the weather. Suddenly Instagram-envy sets in thanks to an endless feed of "perfect" swimsuit bodies and meticulously curated vacation photos. One of the most familiar? The Internet trend of toned "hot dog legs" casually resting by the pool or on the beach — and one Instagrammer is calling BS on them for a totally different reason.

Imre Cecen, a fitness blogger with a ton of thin privilege, regularly uses her account to call out the tricks social media can play on your mind.


From featuring perfectly angled and lighted pictures to flat-out photo editing, Cecen has covered it all. 

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And in her latest post, she put the coveted toned "hot dog legs" on blast.


"This is the most NORMAL thing ever yet us girls seem to be so self conscious about it? Hello! Your legs are being pushed against a surface, they are supposed to expand!" she wrote.

She also went on to say it doesn't make you "fat," but we'd like to note that even if you are fat and fret that your legs do this, you shouldn't — because being fat doesn't mean the body parts you have aren't still beautiful.

Nevertheless, she still hit a few great points when it came to chasing "Insta-perfection."


Cecen wrote:

"Thought I'd take a good comparison pic and I'm pretty sure I've got a hernia now. Creating that thighgap and skinny legs feel was real hard. I had to arch my back like crazy, hold my legs up (serious ab work was involved), and had to sit on the edge of the pool which caused me to almost fall. Both my camera and I would have drowned in the sadness of insta-perfection."

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And overall, we totally agree with her conclusion on perfect "hot dog" legs.


"Truth be told I'd much rather sit like that right ["hot dog leg"] pic whilst enjoying an actual hot dog."

Same, girl, same.