For many, getting their ears pierced was either a choice that was made for them at a young age, or something they got done at the mall. Ask any young girl, and it was like a right of passage to saddle up the seat at get their first holes. The art of piercing has been around for centuries, and most recently, it's gone far beyond just getting those lobes pierced. Now people are rocking "curated" ears.
Curated ears are when a piercing specialist uses jewelry and a piercing pattern to create a certain look. Curated ears mix and match textures, gemstones, and styles to turn ears into a work of art. Much like tattoos, getting it done by a professional is essential. It will ensure that your aesthetic is artistically created, and done in a way that will heal correctly.
For some inspiration, we rounded up several curated ears to inspire anyone looking to have a piercer tackle this project. From gorgeous gold creations to sexy silver set up, these curated looks are sure to turn a few heads. And the cool thing is, even if someone already has piercings in place, that doesn't prevent them from having a finely curated ear. Piercers can work around and with existing holes and still make it look like a coordinated piece. So for anyone looking to turn their ears into a work of art, here are some gorgeous ear piercing combinations.
Dainty Ear-Scape

This ear couldn't be more Instagrammable. This curated ear piercing design definitely didn't skimp on the details. With the delicate rings, strategically placed bling, and just a hint of floral beauty for an elegant, feminine touch.
Opal Essence

Sticking with a stone theme proves to be a beautiful option, as is evident in this stunning curated ear. We love the look of the mixed textures. It's also adds a cohesive look when each earring is roughly the same size, so one doesn't overpower the other.
Gold Seamed

Gold was absolutely a huge trend in 2019 and we don't see that changing any time soon. The metal color scheme and dainty combination make this the curated ear Instagram dreams are made of.
Quirky Placement

Who said anything about following the rules? For many people whose piercings have sunk to the lower part of their lobes from getting them done at a young age, piercing higher up between them is a creative and visually stunning way to fill in the gap.

Necklaces aren't the only pieces of jewelry that can be layered. This curated ear has rows of piercings on top of one another, and mixes dangles with studs in such an elegant way it doesn't look overcrowded.
Simple & Edgy

This pyramid design is executed so brilliantly. The handcuff earrings are an edgy style choice that really brings the overall look together. While there aren't a ton of piercings, connecting earrings like this give ears a succinct, no-frills but totally fierce look
Perfect Pattern

While each individual earring is different, these earrings all complement each other perfectly. The best part is the perfectly symmetrical patterning that each piercing has. The emerald color also makes for a luxe look.
Sweetly Stacked

We're so used to seeing earrings in a straight line. But like anything in life, piercing doesn't have to lead to a straight path. These stacked lobe designs make her ears look like they contain a constellation. We absolutely love it.
Statement Piece

Having a curated ear doesn't mean one has to have a ton of ear piercings. I just means that the piercings in ears are strategically planned out for a specific aesthetic, and we'd say this curated ear nailed it in making one.
Bold & Beautiful

Earrings on a curated ear don't have to all be tiny. This huge hoop with an even bigger personality is expertly paired with other statement cuffs for a curated ear no one can ignore.
Chain Earring

Chain earrings really transform studs into a look. This teardrop chain makes these dainty and delicate studs something much more impressive. While this ear doesn't have a lot of piercing holes, they make smart and beautiful use of the piercings they do have by choosing sets that are simple and coordinated.
Coming Along

This silver studded curated ear is a buildable canvas that plays with stacking and spacing. We love how it tends to go in several directions but still manages to flow cohesively together.
Unique Design

Going outside of a comfort zone in any art arena can be risky, but that's especially true with body modifications. This piercer took a chance on trying an unusual hole location to create a slightly asymmetrical but wholly beautiful look.
Tiny Details

The real star of this curated ear are the three flat cartilage discs. Perfectly positioned in an equal pattern, this curated ear detail doesn't take away from or look insignificant next to this person's huge gauges.
Keeping It Simple

No need to overdo it. These tiny, simple piercings are in interesting enough locations to make it visually striking, and subtle enough to just quietly accent an ear.

This visual effect is just stunning. We love the symmetry in this curated ear and how it is an exact reflection of each line. The jewelry selected is dainty and elegant and the overall look is perfectly coordinated.