Listen, YouTube's most popular beauty vloggers are really proud of their bodies.

Like, REALLY proud.

So much so that it feels like I've seen... well, pretty much every inch of them on Instagram.

Because YouTubers lately are not shy about getting just a lil (sometimes more than a lil) naked.

Which, to be clear, is a great thing.

If you love what you've got and you want to express that, DO YOU, BABE.

I just never thought I'd see THIS MUCH of SO MANY vloggers.

Really it shouldn't come as surprise — I mean, gratuity is kind of Instagram's thing.

But still.

It's especially strange to me how much isolated naked butt is on beauty Instagram.

I'm talking specifically about Manny Gutierrez in this case.

He's got revealing JUST his butt down to a science.

And it's no wonder, given whom he likely picked that up from.

And that's this guy.

NO ONE in the beauty community has bared more on Instagram than Jeffree Star.

There are very few parts of Star I've never seen.


And there's no where he gets more naked than on vacation.

Bora Bora's seen a lot.

At the very least, his tan is always very even.

At this rate, I think I've seen Star's butt more than I have my own.

He clearly knows what angles work for him.

Seriously, his nude pictures are practically formulaic.

But you know what they say:

Don't fix what ain't broken.