If you're like Carrie Bradshaw, and really most women, shoe shopping is borderline orgasmic.
Finding the perfect pair that matches your outfit is supremely satisfying, and if they happen to be from a great brand, it's like the ultimate win. But when you're a lady with larger feet, shoe shopping (and walking in general) is less orgasmic and more pity date-ish.
Unless you're part of the big-footed babe brigade, you'll never fully understand, but allow me to try and break it down for you…
When you tell someone your shoe size and the first thing they say is, "You know what they say about big feet..."

What? What do they say? Big socks? Big vagina? I'm a lady, this really doesn't apply to me.
Dealing with rude ass store clerks.

Me: "Excuse me, do you have this in a — "
*Glances at my feet*
Store Clerk: "HAHAHAHA. No."
There is no such thing as owning a name brand shoe.

BRB, painting red soles on the bottom of my Payless high heels.
Constantly shipping shoes back because in-store options are limited and online retailers are LIARS.

But, like, I need to try them on!
FINALLY finding a pair of great shoes means treating them like you just scored a rare, boxed, vintage action figure.

Buying said shoe in every goddamn color.

Hamming your feet into too-tiny shoes because you just couldn't find the right ones in your size.

Finding a shoe in your size, but quickly realizing it doesn't come in a wide.

Shoes that look adorable in small sizes sort of look like clown shoes in your size.

Sharing or borrowing your friends cute shoes? Nope.

Wearing heels is a delicate balance of looking elegant while trying not to trip over your big feet.

Feeling the need to tip-toe on hardwood floor for fear of making disruptive clomping noises.