My Glowing Skin, Long Hair, & Afternoon Quickies Prove the Past Year Wasn’t All Bad

After a year of staring at ourselves via Zoom due to our current health situation, it’s been nearly impossible for many of us to avoid thinking, “Oh hey, vanity. Girl, we need to talk!” Before lockdown, our interactions rarely led us to look at ourselves much. Now, that’s what we’re doing – a lot! (Oh yeah, and we look at the other people on the video calls, too.)

I don’t know about you, but since I’ve been faced with my image on my computer screen so frequently, I’ve noticed every wrinkle, the way my neck is starting to sag, and those bags under my eyes. But instead of freaking out, I decided to step up my skin care game, which has resulted in a revamped self-care routine.

It’s one of the little things that has helped me stay sane. And it's given me something to look forward to when the gloom often feels unreal. Luckily, this hasn’t been the only good thing to come out of this chaotic past year.

But let’s focus on skin-pampering for a second …

I have never used a serum or face oil until now. I’ve never used an eye cream on the regular until now. There seems to be more time to focus on skin care these days. (Plus, if I have a terrible reaction to something, it’s easier to camouflage through a screen than in person.) But my skin has been glowing and looking more even. And it appears tighter lately due to a cocktail of Acure Brightening Facial Scrub, Biossance Squalane + Vitamin C Rose Oil, Biossance Squalane + Marine Algae Eye Cream, Biossance Squalane + Omega Repair Cream, and Biossance Squalane + 10% Lactic Acid Resurfacing Night Serum. I top everything off with a few dabs of eucalyptus essential oil in the morning and lavender essential oil at night behind my ears.

By creating my little spa-like environment at home, I've felt more relaxed.

And I feel better about myself. Now when I look at my reflection or see myself on Zoom, I’m inclined to check myself out a bit rather than cover up half of my face with my hand or shift back and forth attempting to avoid the camera. That’s progress.

My hair growth is another perk.

I’ve worn my hair in a top knot, avoiding blow drying and my flat iron for a good portion of lockdown. It's been a great protective style, and the result has been long, thick, healthy hair. After I had my daughter, who is now 5 years old, my hair broke off like crazy. My bangs were the shortest they had ever been, and all I wanted to do was wear headwraps because I couldn’t style my hair in any way I thought looked presentable. But now, those same bangs have grown far beyond my chin. I’ve always wanted long tresses. I just had to give my locks a rest.

And speaking of rest, while many couples found they needed a break from each other during this past year, more time with my husband has been … lovely.

Let's be honest — lockdown tested a lot of relationships. For many, there were moments of "I love you, but I don't think I like you much right now. I gotta get outta here. There's gas in the car, right?" For me, it was the exact opposite. I discovered how much more I dig my husband through this time. He cooked, he cleaned, he made me laugh, and we started randomly doing it in the afternoon again.

Yes, the return to the afternoon quickie was real!

I remember stealing away from the office for a quick, intimate session when my husband and I were dating. (Oh hey, early days.) But thanks to lockdown, our impulsive romps are back! Of course, nowadays, things are a little different because instead of dodging our bosses, we're avoiding our daughter. But we've still managed to reconnect with our spontaneous sides, which feels great.

And so, I've been able to find a bit of a silver lining amid all the changes.

Most of us still can't believe it's been a year since the health crisis rocked our worlds. But as resilient moms, we know how to turn water into wine. I'm very grateful I've had the time to focus on my health and my relationship. Oh yeah, and my vanity!

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