15 ways to add some personality to your boring office cubicle

The office cubicle may be the most hated workspace in existence. It's drab as hell, not to mention sterile-looking, and that often gives it a bad rap.

But, believe it or not, your cube has the potential to be legitimately awesome. Beyond family photos and desk calendars, there are a ton of other, actually amazing things you can do to spruce up your work space.

We've got 15 of them right here.

Use binder clips to grip postcards, photos, and other knick-knacks and hang them from your cubicle walls with thumbtacks.

Leave the plain office mugs in the kitchen and opt for your own badass coffee cup for your morning caffeine jolt.

Rather than flipping through your calendar one month at a time, hang them all up together like decorative tiles.

Be your own office cheerleader with a garland of colorful tassels around the perimeter of your cube.

A photo posted by Ashley Barnes (@ashbarns4) on

Speaking of garlands, you can also go with some sparkly pennants...

A photo posted by Ambur Lee (@amburalice) on

...or a string of tiny lights (not too bright, so you don't disturb your coworkers).

A photo posted by FIFTY POT (@fiftypot) on

Go less gray with some pretty, patterned fabric tacked to your cubicle walls like wallpaper.

A photo posted by Donna (@dkdumps) on

Little potted plants, like succulents, make lively desk companions. Opt for a plastic one if your thumb isn't so green.

A photo posted by May (@twelvemonthsofmay) on

Place a pillow on your desk chair to personalize it and make it comfier.

Use a shelf riser to elevate some of the things on your desk, giving you more surface area to work.

A photo posted by M E (@kalifornia_grown_) on

If your boss allows it, a small fish tank creates movement and flow (literally).

A video posted by Kell (@kelliehamrickjohnson) on

Bring in your own table lamp to change the lighting, and therefore, the atmosphere.

Station a few figurines or toys around your desk to showcase some of your interests (or to create a conversation with coworkers).

A photo posted by Nyrie Chapstick (@nychap) on

Choose writing implements you'll be excited to use.

The same goes for the rest of your office supplies — select notebooks, file folders, Post-Its, and mouse pads with colors and designs that will brighten your nine-to-five.

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