Jaclyn Hill is one of the best known — and most respected — beauty YouTubers in the game. And that kind of respect comes with major perks, like a super massive new house.
Jaclyn and her husband just bought a brand new place — so of course she took her 4.3 million subscribers on a tour.
And oh my God. She has the most insane beauty closet you have EVER. SEEN. It's practically an entire custom-designed beauty apartment, that's how opulent it is.
Let's take a look.
"THIS is my beauty room straight ahead of us," Jaclyn says, tempting us horribly. "But first... "

"To the right, we have our pool bath, which is not done yet." Because are you even a beauty YouTuber if your beauty room doesn't have its own massive bathroom?

Hill says that this was one of the only rooms that couldn't be customized to her satisfaction beforehand — but almost all of the newer pieces are in place.
"But I DID get to choose the cabinets being black, and this right here," she said, drumming her nails against the white and gray countertop.

Jaclyn loves the look of white marble, but went with another material for the bathroom. "It's not quartz… I don't know, I forgot. But it's really popular, a lot of people have it." (I think she may have been talking about quartzite, but IDK, IDK.)
Not a bad bathroom, right? Wait until you see what's behind THIS door. "This is my beauty room closet, which my sister and I designed," Jaclyn says, flicking on the light AND REVEALING PARADISE.

However, right now it's filled with kitchen supplies (moving totally sucks). "Me and my sister designed it together," Hill said of the ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE space. "This is my beauty room closet, which my sister and I designed specifically for holding my makeup, backdrops, and packages."
"This over here is where my backdrops will hang, which is so amazing because right now my backdrops are just screwed up in balls."

Then there are 16 super-deep drawers for storing makeup and brushes... and they have the soft-close feature, which Jaclyn is obsessed with.

No matter how hard you slam these drawers, the soft-close feature means that they always shut quietly and delicately. ESSENTIAL for storing delicate makeup — I can't tell you how many times I've slammed a drawer a little too hard and broken an eye shadow palette.
That's an insane amount of beauty storage space, right? Not so fast — because on your way into the beauty room, you run into ANOTHER closet.

"That's one of the things we loved about this house," says Hill. "There's so much storage."
And then... Jaclyn takes us into the beauty room. And I swear to God, I got lightheaded.

"This is where I'm going to be filming," Jaclyn says, walking into a room that I think is bigger than my entire apartment.
"I picked this room because it has so much amazing natural light," she said.

"This side of the room," Jaclyn said, gesturing to the space under the huge windows, "will be my EVERY DAY stuff. My every day desk with my every day vanity."
(Just for reference, down on the first floor, Hill already has a dedicated office. There's also a massive bathroom with a huge vanity in the master bathroom. So this is her SECOND office, and a SECOND OR THIRD spot to get ready.)
"Over here, on the left side of the room, is going to be filming central," she said. "This is all the filming arena."

"I'll have my backdrop here with all my studio lights."
"This room might be bigger than our old apartment," said Jaclyn, giving voice to what SO MANY OF US ARE CURRENTLY THINKING.

Before you ask, yes: I screengrabbed this specifically for the cute dog. No shame.
Heading back out into the hall, and WHAT'S THIS WALLPAPER IN THE HALLWAY?

It's shiny.
It's reflective.
It's a peachy-gold reflect.
Could it be…?

"I lost my mind when I saw this wallpaper," Jaclyn says. It's really sweet to see how jazzed she still is about her first big brand collab from back in the day.
Here's the entire tour (which is worth it for her shoe storage alone, holy crap).
I can't want to see the creative magic that Jaclyn makes in her brand new beauty room.

Give us a tour once you've unpacked all your makeup, OK? I think I speak for everyone when I say that I NEED to see how you store all those palettes.