Dad Wants To Kick His 19-Year-Old Stepdaughter Out So He Can Date ‘In Peace’

After your partner dies, there is no “right” amount of time to wait before dating again. Unless, you’re this man on Reddit, who enraged people on the internet by admitting he wants to kick his stepdaughter out of the house so he can start chatting up the ladies again.

After 10 years together, his wife died a year ago.


She got sick a year before she eventually passed away, he explained in his post on Am I the A—hole forum. She also had a 19-year-old daughter.

The daughter “is taking college classes but they are 100% online so she has stayed at ‘home’ which is my house,” he wrote. “I’ve owned this before my wife moved in so it was never technically shared.”

The man wants to be supportive of his wife's daughter, but she doesn’t have an open invitation to stay.

He made it clear — he didn’t raise or adopt her and his wife never asked him to be her replacement father.

The daughter “never lived with me until two years ago when she was almost 18 when her mom moved in with me due to her being sick and needing more attention,” he explained. “I never played a fatherly role in her life.”

“It wasn’t exactly your ‘traditional’ marriage,” he added.

In fact, they only got married so his partner could be on his health insurance.

“It was a practical decision to get married so she could be added to mine,” he wrote. “Even then, she affirmed I wasn’t responsible for [her daughter].”

That is a BIG problem now that the two are living together.

To put it lightly, it’s made his dating life “super awkward.”

“I had a lady friend over after a dinner date last week and she was snarky towards her and later told me I’m moving on too fast,” he recalled. “I tried to have an honest talk about being ready to move on and date others but she kept calling me an a–hole. I'm just ready to move on with my life but her presence is making that difficult.”

So now he wants to give the teen the boot.

She has until the end of the semester in May to find a new place to live. He thought five months was fair, but his stepdaughter doesn’t agree.

“She flipped out and told me I’m abandoning her ‘to get laid,’” he wrote. “This isn’t really the case, I just want to move on to my life and don’t want to live with a 19-year-old any longer.

“She’s still mad at me and is making living in my own home awkward,” he added. “But she claims she can’t afford to go anywhere else.”

People were divided. Some thought he was horrible for turning his back on his stepdaughter.


“[You're the A–hole] — wow, this is every dying parents’ nightmare," one person commented. "Wanting to find companionship does not make you the A–hole, but the way you are going about it does. The girl is grieving, there’s a pandemic, it’s the holidays, instead of just being alone, you have made her alone and unwanted."

"We're talking about a 19-year-old kid, barely a legal adult, who the OP raised for ten years from a very young age — a girl who just lost her mother, who needs support," someone else added. "OP you might not think you 'raised' this girl, but you have an obligation to her and tossing her out so — as she so aptly puts it — you can get laid, is an insult to your wife's memory and is just wrong.

"I can't imagine the pain this would cause your wife, if she were alive to know you were thinking of tossing her daughter out of the only home she's known for more than a decade, in the middle of her studies, during a pandemic," the person continued. "The home you and her dead mother shared together."

A third commenter agreed. "Kicking a child out without helping them prepare for this economic climate is an a–hole thing to do in general. Kicking a child out WHO JUST LOST THEIR PARENT without helping the grieve or preparing them for this economic climate is an major a–hole move."

Other people thought he was right on the money.


"That obligation is until she’s 18 even if it was actually his kid, though … she’s 19 … he also didn’t raise her, they’ve only lived together a couple of years … and all she had to do to keep his roof over her head is keep her bulls–t about him moving on too quickly to herself," one commenter wrote.

"He seems to be kicking her out because she’s stopping him from moving on, and being rude to people he brings around. She’s got an attitude issue," someone else pointed out.

"His wife is dead. He took her and her daughter in because she was terminally ill, and her reaction is to shame him for trying to move on with his life? This is not okay, in no way," added another commenter.

After combing through the many, many responses to his post, the widower came to a final conclusion — he's absolutely right.

“After this blew up overnight, even though the top comment says YTA, it seems everyone who actually read all the details has affirmed my view,” he wrote in an update. “I feel much better about my decision. Thank you everybody.”

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.