There are many things about motherhood that are amazing and wonderful, but we’re pretty sure that nobody has ever become a mother and then thought "Wow, look at all the extra me time in my schedule!" For most of us, being a mom is a constant juggling act. Between work, the demands of keeping our kids healthy, fed, dressed, and delivered on time to school, practices, and those playdates – while also trying to have some actual adult relationships – can make taking care of ourselves fall to the bottom of our own never-ending to-do lists. It may seem like it has become almost cliché that moms need to prioritize self-care, but the reality is that we keep talking about it because it really does matter for all moms, including those whose jobs literally require them to make sure they are taking care of their physical selves.
Peloton instructor Kirsten Ferguson is one such person. She is a mother of two daughters (Eden, 7, and Emery, 5) and a maker of some of the best running playlists around. (Her Beyoncé run gives us life!)
She might spend a lot of time looking flawless on a treadmill, but she also proudly claims membership in the "Ratchet Mom’s Club" (aka, the place for all of us who have ever been caught bumping some not-exactly-kid-friendly hip-hop in the carpool line) and has the same challenges to balancing mom life, work life, self-care, and friendships as the rest of us.
Kirsten is a believer in the idea that one "can’t fill from an empty cup." She talks to us about why she’s committed to helping other moms see the value of taking time for self-care, movement, and mindfulness.
On Finding Time for Calm
With a busy work schedule that can include everything from live training sessions on the treadmill (including her super popular Sunday 60-minute walk + run intention-setting class) to Peloton apparel photo shoots with her adorable daughters, Kirsten has figured out that one of the keys to finding time to fill her own cup is by starting her day early.
"One big piece of my daily practice is my meditation practice before they get up," she tells CafeMom. "So my day starts early. That is a sacrifice I make. It grounds me. It centers me."
Although getting up early to try to sit quietly and meditate without falling back asleep could sound painful, she notes that meditation for self-care could look like a lot of things.
"I do it daily and it could be a mix of anything. It could be listening to Christian music. It could be journaling. It could be a moment in prayer for me," she says. The key is really having a moment of calm before the motherhood chaos of the day begins.
A Mom and More
For a lot of mothers, the mom identity and the responsibilities of that role can be all-consuming, which is why Kirsten is such a believer in the power of movement to help us connect with the other parts of our identities.
"I really believe movement is medicine and it allows me the space to turn off the responsibilities," she details. "You know, that's the one thing I ask of all members taking my classes. I know you have a laundry list of things, but taking that 15, 30, 45 minutes, whatever the class is for you, is so important … Your identity starts to become just a mother, but you were an amazing human prior to that!"
Modeling Self-Care
Another reason Kirsten is so committed to modeling a life of movement and mindfulness is because she knows there are eyes watching her. And no, not just the eyes of the Peloton faithfuls! Taking time for self-care is clutch for moms because we are the first and most essential examples to our kids of what being an adult is all about.
"We are their first example of self-care, self-love, of doing things that feel good for you," Kirsten explains, adding that for her, that means being transparent with her daughters about how she’s taking care of herself while balancing a life in the public eye.
"One of the most beautiful things for me is they get to see me and witness me chasing after my dreams and seeing the journey it took to get to this point," she says.
Making Mindfulness a Family Affair
Watching Kirsten teaching a treadmill class often includes hearing her remind us to be like Elsa and "Let it go." So it’s not too surprising to learn that part of how she includes movement during the day involves Disney tunes! She and her daughters are all fans of the family-friendly workouts on the Peloton app, including the Encanto yoga class and the class designed specifically for kids by "Auntie Jess" (known to the rest of us as Peloton trainer and former elementary school teacher Jess Sims).
And even though Disney yoga is fun, Kirsten also got real about the fact that "a lot of us saw our children go through something we’ve never walked through before with the pandemic," so modeling movement or taking yoga classes together can be a great way for kids to "learn how to manage stress and how to deal with being frustrated or not really knowing how to express emotions."
For Kirsten and her daughters, doing yoga together "at this age when they’re navigating feelings and emotions and not knowing how to put a word on it [is] a great, great way to spend time with them and connect with them," she shares.
Self-Care Takes a Village
Peloton fans who follow Kirsten on social media can see that she, as a single mother, is a big believer in the importance of making sure she maintains friendships with other women, including her fellow Peloton instructors.
But friendship isn't just for fun or for playdates. It's actually a critical kind of self-care.
"I think every mom should have a village," she urges. "Every mom should have a village of other moms, other women, that you can go to for support, to ask questions. It’s never been more important to me to have the support of other women, other moms."
An Excuse or a Solution
Sometimes, when it comes to self-care, moms can let perfect be the enemy of good. It’s way too easy to fall into that trap where we think "Ugh. If I don’t have time to do an hour-long workout, I won’t do anything at all." But Kirsten’s not afraid to call out lack of mindfulness BS when she hears it.
"You can either find the excuse or find the solution. If you can get 20 minutes in, that’s incredible. I think that’s one of the beautiful things about Peloton is there’s so many offerings that can fit into a schedule," she says. "If you’ve got 20 minutes during nap time, there’s something on the app for you. Baby doesn’t sleep? Guess what — pop that baby in a stroller and head outdoors and get into a power walk."
Another great option? Break it up. "Mix it up, maybe you get a 20-minute run in the morning and when you put that baby down you can get in another 20 minutes of strength at night. That’s incredible," says Kirsten. "That’s a win! You can get a lot of bang for your buck in 20 minutes."
Giving Ourselves Grace
Ultimately self-care, mindfulness, and movement are acts of love, just like keeping our bodies fueled, which is why Kirsten’s a fan of making sure she always has some snacks during the day, such as a go-to protein bar in her purse before she heads to class. But her biggest advice for moms is to practice being kind to ourselves by putting ourselves on the priority list too.
"You can do your best, you know, and that is enough," she encourages. "I want people to know and recognize that is enough. Give yourself some grace. You are raising little humans that need you right now, and it’s important to take that time for you."