How to make Sour Patch Kids-infused vodka and literally drink your candy

Eating candy? Drinking booze? Why choose?

We infused three different colors of Sour Patch Kids into bottles of vodka to take childhood to the next level… which I suppose would be adulthood.

Here's our tutorial for making your own Sour Patch Kids-infused vodka!

Alrighty, let's make some MAGIC.

Revelist/Melissa Stanger

Divide the Sour Patch Kids up by color and add a large handful into each bottle.

Revelist/Melissa Stanger

Leave the candy to sit in the vodka overnight, or at least for a few hours (until the vodka changes color).

Revelist/Melissa Stanger

See? Before... and after.

Revelist/Melissa Stanger

Strain the candy out of the liquid (this part is kind of gross).

Revelist/Melissa Stanger

After that... no explanation needed ;)

Revelist/Melissa Stanger

This method also works with Jolly Ranchers and Starbursts. Try it with your favorite candy and let us know how it comes out!

Want to see the entire process from the beginning? Of course you do! Check out our video: