Wayfair Is Practically Giving Away Nursery Furniture

This is a strange time to be getting a nursery ready for a new baby, but it is not an expensive time!

This sale at Wayfair is bringing the beautiful, functional, and necessary equipment and furniture you need for baby well within reach in this outrageous sale on nursery furniture.

Feel free to reject that hideous hand-me-down changing station that has been passed around for years. Get something that fits your space, your lifestyle, and your vibe.

Here are some ideas.

Check out this bed that will last until baby goes to college.

single icon $199.99 from Wayfair

Buying a beautiful crib is an indulgence because you have no way of knowing if the baby will sleep in it for a year or two, right? But buying this bed that starts out as a crib and converts to a toddler bed and then into a full-size bed is super practical β€” and beautiful.

It's a bed that you β€” and your child β€” will love every step of the way.

It's also on sale for less than $200.

Try this swivel rocker so you can relax while you comfort baby.

single icon $269.99 from Wayfair

It's 3 a.m. and you are pacing the house with a crying infant on one shoulder. More than anything you want to sit down. No! More than anything, you want to lie down and sleep. But the minute you put baby down, the crying starts again.

Enter this recliner: You sit, baby in arm, and rock while you nurse. Baby sleeps. You lean back. You sleep. That's not so bad, right? One day, these will be nice memories.

The recliner rockers you need to make these moments happen are often hideous or shockingly expensive. This one though? It will look great in the living room. You'll use it for years. And it's on sale for 32% off.

This changing station looks like furniture you'd buy.

single icon $82.99 from Wayfair

Why does everyone always try to give you a changing station when you announce you're pregnant? Because they can't wait to get rid of them!

Not this one. It's a terrific changing station, with shelves underneath for supplies and a padded surface for baby. But it looks like adult furniture. When baby is a child and you are looking for a place to keep crafts, books, or plants, this will be a piece of furniture you use. And it will have fond memories.

Sound expensive? Not in this sale!

This bedside bassinet lets baby sleep safely.

single icon $159.99 from Wayfair

There is no place baby likes better than the bed where you're sleeping. It's likely to be your favorite place, too.

This bedside bassinet gives baby (or even two babies) a safe spot right there. It has five height levels, so it will slide right up to you as you sleep no matter the height of your bed. And it has wheels so you can bring it anywhere else in the house you might want to be while baby sleeps.

Get a complete bedding set for the little monkey.

single icon $93.99 from Wayfair

Cute, festive, fun, and complete, this yellow monkey bedding and decor set is everything you need to dress baby's room. There are sheets, a quilt, a toy bag, pillows, a window treatment, wall coverings, and much more in this adorable and affordable nursery room decor collection from Harriet Bee.

It's also 64% off!

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